Office of the Prime Minister

Jonas Gahr Støre (Lab.)

Prime Minister

The Office of the Prime Minister assists the Prime Minister in leading and coordinating the work of the Norwegian Government.
Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre and President Xi Jinping in front of national flags. Handshake.

Official visit to China

Press release 09/09/2024

On Monday, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre met with President Xi Jinping of China. During the meeting the Chinese President announced that Norwegians will be permitted to travel to China without needing to apply for a visa.

Støre in front of University of Oslo,

The Prime Minister's speech at the Welcome Ceremony for all new students

Speech/statement 12/08/2024

'As university students you are now a part of something greater than yourselves: the defence of values that are under pressure across the world. You are part of the resistance against anti-democratic, authoritarian forces and fake news. Forces leading to ever-deeper polarisation. Forces that are the source of hard-line statements that scare others away. Be a counterforce to all this! Use your freedom of speech and promote tolerance and a healthy culture of expression', said Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.


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