Historical archive

An important step towards full scale carbon capture and storage

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

Today, Gassnova has awarded contracts for concept studies on carbon capture to three industrial actors.

This marks an important milestone in the progress towards a full scale CCS-project in Norway. Norcem, Yara and the Klemetsrud facility have all been awarded financial support to continue their studies on carbon capture. In 2017, 360 million NOK are awarded to work on full scale CCS-projects.

- CCS is an important part of the Norwegian Government's climate policy. The Government's ambition is to realize at least one full scale demonstration project for carbon capture and storage. The substantial interest from industry partners in the project is vital, and we are pleased that contracts are awarded to three industrial actors, says the Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Mr. Terje Søviknes (Progress Party).

First picture: State Secretary Mrs. Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde, Minister of Petroleum and Energy Mr. Terje Søviknes og Political Adviser Mr. Elnar Remi Holmen.

Last picture: Mr. Tom W. Østlyngen (Yara), Mr. Pål Mikkelsen (Klemetsrudanlegget) og Mr. Per Brevik (Norcem), with Minister Terje Søviknes og Gassnova-director Mrs. Trude Sundset.

The feasibility studies from July 2016 reveal that carbon capture is technically possible at all three facilities. The concept studies will continue until fall 2017. In addition, Gassnova is in negotiation with industrial actors regarding concept studies on storage. Contracts for carbon storage will be awarded later this spring.