Historical archive

Changes in the Government

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: The Office of the Prime Minister

In the Council of State today, the King has made changes in the Government.

Minister of Education and Integration, Mr. Jan Tore Sanner, has been appointed Minister of Finance.

Minister of Culture and Equality, Ms. Trine Skei Grande, has been appointed Minister of Education and Integration.

Minister of Local Government and Modernisation, Ms. Monica Mæland, has been appointed Minister of Justice and Public Security.

Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr. Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, has been appointed Minister of Labour and Social Affairs.

Member of Parliament, Ms. Linda Hofstad Helleland, has been appointed Minister of Regional Development and Digitalisation.

Minister of Digitalisation, Mr. Nikolai Astrup, has been appointed Minister of Local Government and Modernisation.

Minister of Research and Higher Education, Ms. Iselin Nybø, has been appointed Minister of Trade and Industry.

Member of Parliament, Mr. Knut Arild Hareide, has been appointed Minister of Transport.

Member of Parliament, Mr. Henrik Asheim, has been appointed Minister of Research and Higher Education.

State Secretary, Mr. Geir Inge Sivertsen, has been appointed Minister of Fisheries and Seafood.

Member of Parliament, Mr. Abid Raja, has been appointed Minister of Culture and Equality.

Member of Parliament, Ms. Tina Bru, has been appointed Minister of Petroleum and Energy.

State Secretary, Mr. Sveinung Rotevatn, has been appointed Minister of Climate and Environment.

At the same time Ms. Siv Jensen, Ms. Sylvi Listhaug, Mr. Jon Georg Dale, Mr. Terje Søviknes, Mr. Harald Tom Nesvik, Ms. Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde, Mr. Jøran Kallmyr,
Ms. Anniken Hauglie and Mr. Ola Elvestuen have been honourably discharged from their offices.

The changes are active as of 14:00 hours today.



The Government represents the Conservative Party (C), the Liberal Party (L) and the Christian Democratic Party (CDP):

Prime Minister

Ms. Erna Solberg (C)

Minister of Finance

Mr. Jan Tore Sanner (C)

Minister of Education and Integration

Ms. Trine Skei Grande (L)

Minister of Children and Families

Mr. Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (CDP)

Minister of Justice and Public Security

Ms. Monica Mæland (C)

Minister of Health and Care Services

Mr. Bent Høie (C)

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Ms. Ine Eriksen Søreide (C)

Minister of Labour and Social Affairs

Mr. Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (C)

Minister of Regional Development and Digitalisation

Ms. Linda Hofstad Helleland (C)

Minister of Defence

Mr. Frank Bakke-Jensen (C)

Minister of Local Government and Modernisation

Mr. Nikolai Astrup (C)

Minister of Trade and Industry

Ms. Iselin Nybø (L)

Minister of Transport

Mr. Knut Arild Hareide (CDP)

Minister of Agriculture and Food

Ms. Olaug Vervik Bollestad (CDP)

Minister of International Development

Mr. Dag-Inge Ulstein (CDP)

Minister of Research and Higher Education

Mr. Henrik Asheim (C)

Minister of Fisheries and Seafood

Mr. Geir Inge Sivertsen (H)

Minister of Culture and Equality

Mr. Abid Raja (L)

Minister of Petroleum and Energy

Tina Bru (C)

Minister of Climate and Environment

Mr. Sveinung Rotevatn (L)