Historical archive

Ruling in the appeal lawsuit concerning Section 112 of the Constitution

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

This is an important and thorough ruling, and we are very satisfied that the State's view has prevailed, says Minister of Petroleum and Energy Tina Bru. Today, the Supreme Court rendered its ruling in the case where the State, represented by the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, was sued for breach of Section 112 of the Constitution in relation to the award of production licenses in the 23rd licensing round.

The legal process has been long and thorough. At first, the case was heard in Oslo District Court and in the Appellate Court, and then by the Supreme Court in Plenary. Following a five year long process, the final ruling has now been rendered. Important legal clarifications have been made.

- The Supreme Court has established that our decision in 2016 to award production licenses in the 23rd licensing round is valid. The decision was in line with the applicable legislation, and it neither violates Section 112 of the Constitution, nor Norway's international obligations, says Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Tina Bru.

- This ruling is important and thorough, and we are very satisfied with the result. We have gained acceptance for the validity of our decision. I am not surprised, as the decision was supported by a broad majority in the Norwegian parliament, Stortinget. The ruling is important because it confirms a long-standing Norwegian tradition where difficult issues are considered, debated and finally balanced by elected representatives in the parliament, continues Bru.