Political adviser Henrik Nordtun Gjertsen

Political adviser Henrik Nordtun Gjertsen (Centre Party)

Appointed: 16/08/2024
Born: 1999

Address: Teatergata 9 (R6), Postboks 8007 Dep. 0030 Oslo
E-mail henrik-nordtun.gjertsen@lmd.dep.no
Phone: 22 24 91 02
Mobile phone: 48 23 45 66


2022-d.d            NMBU Faculty of Veterinaty Medicine.

2018-2022         Norwegian Academy of Music. Graduate  in performance – folk music, bachelor's degree. Main instrument Hardanger fiddle/violin.

2015-2018         Vågen high school. Study programme music with violin as main instrument.


Positions of trust and experience

2022-2024         Board leader of Norwegian Rural Youth.

2022-2024         Board member of the Norwegian Farmer's Union as representative for Norwegian Rural Youth.

2022-2024         Board member of the Riksscenen, National scene for national and international folk music, yoik and dance.

2022                     Norway's youth delegate to the UN high level meeting for sustainable development.

2020-2022         Pural-political vice-chairman of Norwegian Rural Youth.

2020-2022         Member of the representatives of Norwegian Farmer's Union as representative of Norwegian Rural Youth.

2019-2020         Deputy board member of Norwegian Rural Youth.

2019-2020         Board member of Centre Youth.

2019                   Election campaign staff for Rogaland Centre Party.

2018-2019         Deputy board member of Centre Youth.

2016-2019         Boar member of Rogaland Centre Youth.