Women, Peace and Security - Norway's strategic plan 2011-13

This new strategic plan on women, peace and security is intended to put us in a better position to enhance women’s influence and participation and strengthen the protection of women during armed conflicts. It provides a framework for ensuring that Security Council resolution 1325 is integrated into all our peace and security efforts.

Women, Peace and Security - Norway's strategic plan 2011-13The participation of women in key decision-making processes related to peace and security is a goal in itself. Their contribution is also important in preventing, managing and resolving conflict, and not least in building up societies after conflict. This new strategic plan on women, peace and security is intended to put us in a better position to enhance women’s influence and participation and strengthen the protection of women during armed conflicts. It provides a framework for ensuring that Security Council resolution 1325 is integrated into all our peace and security efforts. It has been drawn up jointly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Justice and the Police and the Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion.

Women, Peace and Security - Norway's strategic plan 2011-13 (pdf)

Les femmes, la paix et la sécurité: Plan stratégique 2011-2013 (pdf)