Historical archive

Guiding Principles

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Energy+ initiative aims to increase access to modern energy, increase energy efficiency, and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in developing countries. It was launched in Oslo in 2011 by Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

Energy+ is an international partnership and is governed by the Guiding Principles. Energy+ partners sign up to provide access to energy for the poor and coordinate efforts to bring renewable energy and energy efficiency investments and deployment to scale. Any country, organisation or other actor that agrees with the Guiding Principles and wants to contribute in some form to Energy+ actions may join the partnership.

Energy+ supports the goals and timelines of the UN Secretary-General’s Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative, which by 2030 aims to achieve universal access to energy, increase the rate of energy efficiency to 40 % and the share of renewable energy to 30 %. Greater support from the international community and commercial investors is required in order to reach these goals. Energy+ will make financial support available to developing countries through results-based public–private business models and sector approaches. 

Read the Guiding Principles here.