Historical archive

International observers will follow Norway’s general election in September

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the Carter Center will observe Norway’s general election in September.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the Carter Center will observe Norway’s general election in September.

“I am happy that international observers will be following the election. This helps maintain confidence in the election process, while we will gain an outside perspective on our own electoral system and election process. It is always useful, and is important when considering any changes,” says State Secretary Eli Blakstad.

At the invitation of the Government, and after having deployed a Needs Assessment Mission (NAM) to Norway in June this year, the OSCE has decided to send a team of election experts to observe parts of the election process during the election this autumn.

They will look specifically at the changes in the regulations, including with respect to party funding, the new electronic election administration system EVA and the Internet voting pilot.

The U.S. Carter Center is also invited and will send an election observer to monitor the Internet voting pilot.

The OSCE and the Carter Center will collaborate on the practical arrangements for the observation of Internet voting, but will report independently of each other.

The first visit in Norway was completed in late July.

The OSCE conducted its first election observation in Norway at the 2009 general election. Their recommendations following the visit have greatly assisted the Ministry in assessing amendments of Norway’s election act.

At the 2011 local government elections, the OSCE sent an expert team to observe the Internet voting pilot. Following the visit, the OSCE prepared a report in which they provided feedback and recommendations to the Ministry. The Ministry is grateful for the OSCE’s input, which has been useful in further efforts to facilitate the Internet voting pilot in 12 municipalities this year.

The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, media contact telephone: +47 22 24 25 00.