State Secretary Per Rune Henriksen

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

State Secretary Per Rune Henriksen (Labour Party)

Born: 1960

Political appointments:
2010 -          State secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy
2005 - 2010  Member of the Storting for Hordaland county
2009 - 2010  Member of the parliamentary group steering committee, Labour Party
1995 - 1999  Substitute member, Bergen city council

Party political appointments:
2002 - 2009  Member of the national board, Labour Party
2003 - 2009  Leader of Hordaland county Labour Party
2002 - 2003  Deputy leader of Hordaland county Labour Party
2001 - 2002  Member of the board, Hordaland county Labour Party
1996 - 1998  Leader of the Labour Party chapter of Fellesforbundet (the Norwegian United Federation of Trade Unions)

Other appointments:
2000 - 2006  Chair of the board, Bergen og Omegn Boligbyggelag
                   (Greater Bergen Co-operative Housing Association)
2003 - 2005  Member of the board, Norske Boligbyggelags Landsforbund
                   (Norwegian federation of Co-operative Housing Associations)
1996 - 2000  Member of the board, Bergen og Omegn Boligbyggelag
                   (Greater Bergen Co-operative Housing Association)
2004 - 2010  Member of the board, Gasskonferansen (conference on the use of
                    biogas and natural gas in Norway)
1997 - 2005  Chair of the board, Lokalhistorisk arkiv (local historical archive)
1997 - 2005  Member of the board, Gjesdals Legat (trust fund)
2000 - 2005  Member of the board, Folkets Hus A/S (workers’ social centre)
2000 - 2002  Chair of the board, Bergen AOF (education association)
1992 - 1994  Chair of the board, Norsk Fredskorpssamband (Norwegian Volunteer Service)
1991 - 1996  Secretary, Tømrernes Fagforening (building carpenters' union)
1984 - 1988  Member of the board, Tømrernes Fagforening
1981 - 1985  Chair of youth group, Bergen Faglige Samorg (joint association of
                   trade unions)

Membership of standing committees and delegations
2009 - 2010  Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment
2009 - 2010  Parliamentary delegation to the Nordic Council
2005 - 2009  Standing Committee on Labour and Social Affairs

1978 - 1980  Carpenter apprentice
1977 - 1978  Bergen Yrkesskole (trade school), carpentry

Work experience
1997 - 2005  Secretary, LO Bergen og Omland (Norwegian Confederation of Trade
                   Unions, greater Bergen area)
1992 - 1997  Regional safety delegate, Fellesforbundet (the Norwegian United
                   Federation of Trade Unions)
1988 - 1990  Norwegian Volunteer Service, Kenya
1978 - 1988  Building Carpenter