Historical archive

Video: State secretary Ingvild Næss Stub on Norwegian-Polish cooperation for supporting victims of trafficking

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Europaportalen

EEA and Norway Grants

State secretary for EU and EEA Affairs Ingvild Næss Stub addressed the conference «Putting victims first» in Warsaw, November 2013. She emphasized Norwegian experiences and Norwegian support for victims of trafficking through the EEA and Norway Grants.

State secretary for EU and EEA Affairs Ingvild Næss Stub addressed the conference «Putting victims first» in Warsaw, November 2013. She emphasized Norwegian experiences and Norwegian support for victims of trafficking through the EEA and Norway Grants.

The conference was coorganised with the Polish government, the Council of Europe and the International Organisation for Migration.

[Read more: Official web page of the conference]