Product Contact Point

Information on national technical regulations in the internal market


Through the Product Contact Point, authorities and companies can find out which technical regulations apply for a particular product in a particular EEA State. The Norwegian contact point provides information about Norwegian product regulations and also information about how to get in touch with contact points in other countries.


The Product Contact Point is established to assist companies when they consider putting a product where there are no harmonised rules at EEA level, on the market in another EEA State. The establishment of the Product Contact point is accordance with Regulation EC 764/2008.

The principle of mutual recognition in the Internal Market means that a product lawfully marketed in one EEA State, and not subject to EEA harmonisation, should be allowed to be marketed in any other EEA State, even when the product does not fully comply with the technical rules of the EEA State of destination. The exception to this principle is that an EEA State may refuse the marketing of a product when this is strictly necessary for the protection of, for example, public safety, health or environment. In such cases, the EEA State of destination must demonstrate that its measure is the least trade-restrictive measure.


Below you will find a non-exhaustive list of technical regulations applicable in Norway.

Norwegian product regulations

You may contact the Product Contact Point in the Ministry of Trade and Industry if you have specific questions (in English or Norwegian). E-mail: or telephone: +47 90126403.

The principle of mutual recognition

According to the EU principle of mutual recognition, all products that are lawfully marketed in one EU Member State may also be sold in all the other Member States without having to be harmonized with national technical regulations.

According to Regulation 764/2008 an authority intending to take a decision that will limit the possibility of selling a product that is legally sold in another Member State, will be obliged to follow certain administrative routines and provide clear motivation for the decision, in cooperation with the established contact points.

Through the contact points in the EU Member States, authorities and companies can find out which technical regulations apply for a particular product in a particular EU country. The Norwegian contact point provides information about Norwegian technical product regulations and also information about how to get in touch with the contact points in other countries.

Read more about the principle of mutual recognition at the European Commission’s homepage.

Contacts point in other EEA States can be found here.