Historisk arkiv

Norges innlegg i diskusjonen om klimafinansiering under klimaforhandlingene i Warszawa

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Solberg

Utgiver: Miljøverndepartementet

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Ladies and gentlemen,

I appreciate this opportunity to participate in a dialogue on the very important topic of climate finance.

Scaled up financial support from a variety of sources is necessary to enhance climate action in developing countries. It is a means to achieve our common objective: staying below the two degree target.

Some developing countries have particularly strong needs. Many of the world's poorest countries are also the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

They will need continued public support to adapt. This needs to be reflected in our work to mobilize 100 billion USD pr. year by 2020. It also needs to be reflected in the 2015 agreement.

I have heard calls for greater predictability and adequacy in the provision of climate finance. These calls are understandable. This is why my government has announced a strong commitment to reducing deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD+). In the Budget for 2014, my government has expressed its intent to continue to finance REDD+ at least at current levels until 2020.That is what we mean by predictability.

The period of fast-start finance is behind us, and the developed countries have delivered on their commitment. I now urge my colleagues to search for ways to provide as much transparency, what we in Norway call openness, and predictability as possible about their future provision of climate finance.

Yet predictability comes from good partnerships.

Recipient countries need assurance that low-emission, climate resilient development plans will receive support. In this way they can plan ahead and put their plans into action. Contributor countries need to see that their funds produce real results on the ground. Only then will climate finance be sustainable.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have spoken on the importance of sustained finance from public sources. But public finance can only take us so far. Our target must be a shift in global investment, public as well as private. And not let us forget innovative financing.

The two degree target is only within reach if the private sector is on board.

How to achieve such a partnership was the topic of one of my first meetings as minister this October. The meeting took place in Copenhagen and was hosted by Minister Lidegaard andattended by Minister Kiwanuka.

Our conversation focused on what governments can do to mobilize climate-friendly investment from the private sector. Very good work is underway to explore how public funds can be used that way. We are essentially talking about a public-private partnership on a large scale.

For this partnership to work, many developing countries need to take decisive steps to improve enabling environments.

In fact, governments in all countries need show leadership by using the tools at their disposal actively and wisely. They can implement policy and regulations which attract investment.They can put a price on carbon. Those in a position to do so can also provide guarantees and targeted subsidies in favor of low-emission technology and infrastructure.

Finally, I would like signal that my government expects the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to play a major role in the coming years. I am very pleased that there is agreement on a process for resource mobilization to the fund.

Our strong hope is that the GCF board will meet the essential requirements so that capitalization can begin in 2014. Norway stands ready to do our part.

Thank you.