Historisk arkiv

Om lisensen

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Kommunal- og regionaldepartementet

Som alle andre programvareprodukter, er E-valgsystemet underlagt en lisens. Denne lisensen regulerer hva man kan, og ikke kan gjøre med den kildekoden og dokumentasjonen som er publisert.

Som alle andre programvareprodukter, er E-valgsystemet underlagt en lisens. Denne lisensen regulerer hva man kan, og ikke kan gjøre med den kildekoden og dokumentasjonen som er publisert. Vi betrakter vår lisens som ganske kort og lettfattelig. Den kan oppsummeres omtrent slik:

Du kan laste ned kildekoden, se på den og til og med prøve å sette opp og teste systemet for din egen forståelses skyld, men du kan ikke gjøre endringer i koden. Dersom du er tilknyttet et akademisk miljø kan du gjøre endringer, men kun for forskningsformål. Du har aldri, uansett formål, lov til å selge programkode basert på e-valgsystemet til noen. Du har heller ikke lov til å bruke systemet til annet enn dine egne testformål. Bare KRD har rett til å bruke denne koden til noe annet enn testing. KRD kan bruke den ved gjennomføringen av alle valg i Norge.

Om du har forslag til endringer, må du ta det opp med KRD. Vi har nemlig rett til å be hvem som helst gjøre endringer – så lenge hensikten er å bruke det til valggjennomføring i Norge. Lisensen er utformet for å ivareta leverandørenes interesser utenfor Norges grenser. I tillegg er en rekke av løsningene i systemet patentbeskyttet.

Lisensteksten i sin helhet:

Elektronisk stemmegivning (Scytl):

Source Code, High Level Architecture Documentation and Common Criteria Documentation Copyright (C) 2010-2011 and ownership belongs to The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and Scytl Secure Electronic Voting SA ("Licensor").

The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development has the right to use, modify (whether by itself or by the use of contractors) and copy the software for the sole purposes of performing Norwegian Public Sector Elections, including to install and run the code on the necessary number of locations centrally and in any number of counties and municipalities, and to allow access to the solution from anywhere in the world by persons who have the right to participate in Norwegian national or local elections. This also applies to elections to the Longyearbyen Community Council at Svalbard and any possible future public elections in Norway arranged by the Election Authorities.

Patents, relevant to the software, are licensed by Scytl Secure Electronic Voting SA to the Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development for the purposes set out above.

Scytl Secure Electronic Voting SA (or whom it appoints) has the right, inside and outside of Norway to use, copy, modify and enhance the materials, as well as a right of licensing and transfer, internally and externally, either by itself or with the assistance of a third party, as part of the further development and customization of its own standard solutions or delivered together with its own standard solutions.
The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and Scytl Secure Electronic Voting SA hereby grant to you (any third party) the right to copy, modify, inspect, compile, debug and run the software for the sole purpose of testing, reviewing or evaluating the code or the system solely for non-commercial purposes. Any other use of the source code (or parts of it for any other purpose (including but not limited to any commercial purposes) by any third party is subject to Scytl Secure Electronic Voting SA's prior written approval.

Administrativt system og scanning (EDB Ergo):

Source Code, High Level Architecture Documentation and Common Criteria Documentation Copyright (C) 2010-2011 and ownership belongs to The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and EDB ErgoGroup 67 AS  ("Licensor")

The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development has the right to use, modify (whether by itself or by the use of contractors) and copy the software for the sole purposes of performing Norwegian Public Sector Elections, including to install and run the code on the necessary number of locations centrally and in any number of counties and municipalities, and to allow access to the solution from anywhere in the world by persons who have the right to participate in Norwegian national or local elections. This also applies to elections to the Longyearbyen Community Council at Svalbard and any possible future public elections in Norway arranged by the Election Authorities.

EDB Ergo Group 67 AS (or whom it appoints) has the right, inside and outside of Norway to use, copy, modify and enhance the materials, as well as a right of licensing and transfer, internally and externally, either by itself or with the assistance of a third party, as part of the further development and customization of its own standard solutions or delivered together with its own standard solutions.
 The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and EDB ErgoGroup AS hereby grant to you (any third party) the right to copy, modify, inspect, compile, debug and run the software for the sole purpose of testing, reviewing or evaluating the code or the system solely for non-commercial purposes. Any other use of the source code (or parts of it) for any other purpose (including but not limited to any commercial purposes) by any third party is subject to EDB ErgoGroup 67 AS' prior written approval.