Historisk arkiv

konkrete kvantitative målsettinger

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet

"Communication from the Commission – Euroean benchmarks in education and training: follow-up to the Lisbon European Council"

Basert på trendanalyse fra "the Standing Group on Indicators and benchmarks" foreslo Kommisjonen seks europeiske benchmarks eller konkrete målsettinger:

  • Early School Leavers
    • "By 2010, all Member States should at least halve the rate of early school leavers, with reference to the rate recorded in the year 2000, in order to achieve an EU-average rate of 10% or less".
  • Graduates in Mathematics, Science and Technology
    • "By 2010, Member States will have at least halved the level of gender imbalance among graduates in mathematics, science, technology whilst securing an overall significant increase of the total number of graduates compared to the year 2000".
  • Population having completed Upper Secondary Education
    • "By 2010, Member States should ensure that average percentage of 25-64 years olds in the EU with at least upper secondary education reaches 80% or more".
  • Key Kompetencies
    • "By 2010, the percentage of low-achieving 15 year olds in reading, mathematical and scientific literacy will be at least halved in each Member State".
  • Lifelong Learing
    • "By 2010, the EU-average level of participation in lifelong learning should be at least 15% of the adult working age population (25-64 age group) and in no country should it be lower than 10".
  • Investment in Education and training
    • "The Commission invites Member States to continue to contribute to the achievement of the Lisbon objective of substantial annual increases in per capita investments in human resources…"

Dette kommunikeet ble diskutert i EUs utdanningskomité (Education Committee) og i Rådet 6 februar 2003, og ifølge Hingel (kommisjonens leder av indikatorgruppen), ble det meget godt mottatt. Det var bred enighet om at indikatorgruppen skal fortsette videreutviklingen av nye benchmarks som kan inngå implementeringsarbeidet med å realisere de framtidige målene for utdanning og opplæring.