Norway’s Fourth Biennial Report

Under the Framework Convention on Climate Change


This report is Norway’s fourth biennial report related to climate change under the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The previous biennial reports were submitted in, 2014, 2016 and 2018 respectively. The latest National Inventory Report (NIR) for greenhouse gases was submitted in April 2019. Norway ratified the UNFCCC on 9 July 1993. Norway ratified the Kyoto Protocol on 30 May 2002 and became a Party when the Protocol entered into force on 16 February 2005, and ratified the Doha amendment in June 2014. In addition, Norway ratified the Paris Agreement on 20 June 2016.

Norway’s fourth Biennial Report (BR4) has been prepared in accordance with the “UNFCCC bien-nial reporting guidelines for developed country Parties” as contained in annex 1 to decision 2/CP.17. The common tabular format (CTF) tables have been prepared to be in accordance with the common tabular format for “UNFCCC bien-nial reporting guidelines for developed country Parties” as specified in decision 19/CP.18.

This BR4 is submitted as a stand-alone report and focuses on progress towards Norway’s 2020 target and provision of support since what was reported in BR3.

The expert review team (ERT) of Norway’s BR3 found that the reporting was mostly in adherence with the UNFCCC reporting guidelines on BRs as per decision 2/CP.17. In the review report1, the ERT had three recommendations for improving the completeness and transparency of the report-ing. In this report, it is sought to follow-up the recommendations to the extent it has been prac-tically possible. The preparation of the BR4 also draws on the questions formulated and answers provided prior to the multilateral assessment and the multilateral assessment itself.

Published by: Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment
Cover photo: Sindre Fosse Rosness
Publication number: T-1569 E