
Showing 1-20 of 4706 results.

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  • UK Prime Minister to pay official visit to Norway

    14/12/2024 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer will be visiting Bergen together with Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre on Monday 16 December.

  • Settlement of refugees

    14/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, Ministry of Children and Families

    Settlement with public assistance is a voluntary service offered by the Norwegian government. The Norwegian Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi) and municipalitices decides where refugees are setteled.

  • Indexation of the National Insurance Scheme’s Basic Amount and Pensions

    14/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    The basic amount in the National Insurance Scheme as of 1 May 2024, is NOK 124,028. The basic amount is used in the calculation and indexation of pensions . It is annually adjusted.

  • Uføretrygd

    14/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Uføretrygd frå folketrygda skal sikre inntekt for personar som har fått si inntektsevne varig nedsett grunna sjukdom, skade eller lyte.

  • Sjukepengar

    14/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Sickness benefits from the National Insurance Scheme provide compensation for lost income when you are unable to work due to illness or injury.

  • Web TV

    New Action Plan to Combat Racism and Discrimination Against Muslims

    13/12/2024 Press release Ministry of Culture and Equality, Office of the Prime Minister

    The Norwegian government has presented a new action plan with 30 measures to combat racism and discrimination against Muslims. The action plan also includes the authorities' efforts against racism and discrimination of Muslims outside of Norway.

  • Pleiepengar for sjukt barn

    12/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Pleiepengar er ei økonomisk støtte for yrkesaktive personar som må vere borte frå jobb for å ta vare på eit barn som treng kontinuerleg tilsyn og pleie på grunn av sjukdom, skade eller funksjonsnedsetting.

  • Qualification Program

    12/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    The Qualification Program is one of five social services managed by the Nav-office aimed at helping individuals with significantly reduced work and income capacity to enter employment or activity.

  • Welfare schemes to prevent poverty in Norway

    12/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    The Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion has the overall responsibility for coordinating the government’s efforts against poverty and for improving the living conditions of those who are struggling financially or with other social conditions.

  • The Prime Minister's introduction at the press conference after the meeting with the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates

    11/12/2024 Speech/statement Office of the Prime Minister

    'We have to do a lot of work politically to bring nuclear disarmament back on the international agenda. It is depressing that the nuclear powers are withdrawing from treaties and agreements on disarmament, and that threats of using nuclear weapons

    By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre Government House in Oslo

  • Hjelpemiddel for betre funksjonsevne

    11/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Menneske med varige funksjonsnedsetjingar kan ha rett til hjelpemiddel frå folketrygda.

  • Arbeidsavklaringspengar (AAP)

    11/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Arbeidsavklaringspengar (AAP) er ei yting frå Nav (Arbeids- og velferdsetaten) for personar som har nedsett arbeidsevne på grunn av sjukdom, skade eller lyte. AAP skal sikre inntekt for folk som treng arbeidsretta tiltak, behandling eller anna

  • Prime Minister meets Nobel Peace Prize laureates

    11/12/2024 News story Office of the Prime Minister

    This morning, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre welcomed representatives of Nihon Hidankyo, this year’s Nobel Peace Prize winner, to the annual breakfast event held in connection with the Peace Prize award ceremony. The Prime Minister was also

  • Social dumping

    11/12/2024 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Increased labour immigration has led to problems with social dumping in some industries. Social dumping is deemed to be present both if foreign employees are subject to breaches of health, safety and working environment regulations and if they are

  • Director General Einar Skancke

    Administrative staff Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
    Einar Skancke

    The Department of Labour Market Affairs


    Phone + 47 22 24 85 00

  • Director General Dag Holen

    Administrative staff Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
    Dag Holen

    The Department of Pension


    Phone +47 22 24 85 00

  • Web TV

    The Norwegian Government Strengthens and Renews Commitment to Gender Equality

    10/12/2024 Press release Ministry of Culture and Equality

    The Government has presented a white paper on sexual harassment and the country's first strategy for gender equality between men and women.

  • Director General Yvonne Larssen

    Administrative staff Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion
    Yvonne Larssen

    The Department of Administrative Services


    Phone +47 22 24 85 00

  • Contact information to Diplomatic Missions resident in Norway

    10/12/2024 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Contact information to Diplomatic Missions resident in Norway (PDF) Contact information to Diplomatic Missions resident in Norway (Excel)

  • Contact information to all Diplomatic Missions accredited to Norway

    10/12/2024 Article Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Contact information to all Diplomatic Missions accredited to Norway (PDF) Contact information to all Diplomatic Missions accredited to Norway (Excel)

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