does not publish a complete overview of valid acts. For a complete overview (in Norwegian), check Lovdata, which, in addition to the overview, also publishes all acts and regulations in their entirety. does not publish a complete overview of valid acts. For a complete overview (in Norwegian), check Lovdata, which, in addition to the overview, also publishes all acts and regulations in their entirety.
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Marriage Act
The Act applies to Norway’s territorial sea outside the baselines and to the continental shelf, but individual provisions can also be made applicable to internal waters.
Entry into force: 1 January 2023, 1 July 2023, as determined by the King Download the law: Act relating to child welfare (Child Welfare Act) (PDF)
The Norwegian Local Governments Act The purpose of Local Government Act is to promote local self-government and provide the necessary frameworks for this. The Act facilitates the local representative government and a strong representative local
The objective of this Act is to ensure the provision of high quality tertiary vocational education and satisfactory conditions for students of tertiary vocational education.
The objective of this Act is to help facilitate the establishment and operation of independent schools, so that parents and pupils may choose other schools than the government schools, cf. Section 2 no. 2 of the (Norwegian) Human Rights Act.
The purpose of the student financial aid system is to contribute to equal opportunity to education regardless of geographical circumstances, age, gender, disability, financial and social circumstances.
The purpose of this Act is to allow professionals who are nationals of an EEA State or Switzerland to exercise their profession in Norway under the same conditions as professionals who obtained their professional qualifications in Norway, in
The objective of this Act is to enable the establishment and operation of folk high schools inNorway. The term “folkehøyskole” (Folk High School) must be included in the school name,and only schools approved pursuant to Section 2 of this Act may use
Act No. 57 of 28 June 2002 relating to parliamentary and local government elections.
Entered into force July 1 2018.
The purpose of this Act is to promote the implementation of Norway’s climate targets as part of its process of transformation to a low-emission society by 2050.
Act relating to Children and Parents.
Act of 6 June 2003 No. 39 relating to housing cooperatives (the Housing Cooperatives Act). Cf. the previous Act of 4 February 1960 No. 2 relating to housing cooperatives.
Kindergartens shall provide children under compulsory school age with good opportunities for development and activity in close understanding and collaboration with the children's homes.
The Act was amended by Act of 22 june 2018 no. 85 (in force as of 1 Aug 2018). The title of the Act amended by Act of 29 June 2007 no. 90 (in force as of 1 Aug 2007 pursuant to the Decree of 29 June 2007 no. 758). - Cf. previous Acts of 14 June 1985
The Act shall promote good and efficient access to public geographical information (spatial data) for public and private purposes.
Marine Resources Act