Chair’s statement: Meeting in the Global Alliance for the Implementation of the Two-State solution
News story | Date: 16/01/2025 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
On Wednesday 15 January, 85 states and international organisations met in Oslo, Norway, for the third follow-up meeting in the Global Alliance for the Implementation of the Two State-Solution, initiated by Saudi Arabia as Chair of the Arab-OIC Ministerial Committee on Gaza, the EU and Norway.
As chair, Norway thanks HE Dr. Mohammad Mustafa, Prime Minister of Palestine for his participation and important keynote address on the Palestinian government’s National Program for Development and Reform. The chair expresses its thanks to Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of UNRWA, for his strong appeal to states to protect UNRWA politically and financially and defend the rights of Palestine refugees. The Chair thanks the participating states and organisations for their valuable contributions to the meeting and strong support to the implementation of the two-State solution, including identifying concrete steps towards this end.
Discussions took place against the backdrop of the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza and enormous civilian suffering. The meeting discussed the importance of finalizing without delay the agreement on an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and the release of hostages and prisoners, a surge in humanitarian assistance, and full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. In anticipation of an agreement, the meeting further discussed the need to provide immediate and concrete humanitarian relief to the population in Gaza. Participants urged Israel to provide all necessary means to allow that to happen, in line with its obligations under international humanitarian law. In the context of an impending ceasefire, the Chair stressed the importance of the Palestinian government assuming responsibility in Gaza and recalled that United Nations Security Council resolution 2735 stressed the importance of reunifying the Gaza Strip with the West Bank under the Palestinian Authority. The meeting also addressed the concern towards the escalating situation and increase of settlement activity and settler violence in the West Bank.
At this critical moment, and in the face of unprecedented threats against the two-State solution, the Chair underlined the responsibility to respond to these threats through joint and individual actions. The Chair highlighted the responsibility and leadership displayed by the Palestinian government, including through its ongoing reform efforts and institution building, and the need for states and organisations to give their full support to these efforts as identified by Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa in this meeting.
The meeting discussed the many challenges facing the Palestinian Authority, and furthermore the need to prevent and call out any steps towards illegal annexation or permanent occupation and any other attempts at undermining the territorial integrity of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza.
During the discussions, strong support was provided to the role of UNRWA and to UNRWA’s staff in the face of Israeli legal actions, systematic obstructions and other threats. The meeting discussed the importance of maintaining UNRWA’s UN mandated operations and service delivery throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in Gaza and East Jerusalem.
The meeting also addressed the urgent need to continue to coordinate initiatives within the Global Alliance leading to the adoption of a time bound action plan to implement the two-State solution, including the realization of the independent Palestinian state , while underlining that the two-State solution in accordance with UN resolutions, is the only solution that will provide lasting peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians alike.