
The Ministry of Energy has 4 departments and a Communication Unit. 

Oil and Gas Department

  • Director General Lars Erik Aamot

    Head of Oil and Gas Department


    Phone +47 22 24 62 02

    Mobile phone: +47 48 16 11 00

  • Section for Exploration (LS)

    Exploration policies. Opening of new areas on the NCS for petroleum activity. Questions related to petroleum activity in the Barents Sea and in the Lofoten area. Announcement of blocks, negotiations and awards of production licences. Formulation and monitoring of the framework for petroleum activity on the NCS. Prequalification of companies.

  • Section for Development and Production (UDR)

    Monitoring of development, production and decommissioning of oil and gas fields on the NCS. Preparedness related to secure supply of oil. Department responsibility for the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD).

  • Section for Petroleum Law and Legal Affairs (PJS)

    Legal questions related to petroleum activity, transport and storage of CO2, and ownership in Gassco. Composing texts for treaties, laws, regulations and framework for petroleum activities. EU/EEA legal issues. Legal advice. Follow-up the application of the Security Act with respect to activities under the ministry's area of responsibility. Legal questions related to agreements and consents that the ministry is considering. Preparation for the development of seabed mineral activities.

  • Section for market, analysis and infrastructure (MAI)

    Economic analysis of petroleum activity, including forecasts and evaluations for the National Budget and the State Budget. General market questions and market analysis including price prognoses for crude oil, natural gas, NGLs and condensate. Analysis of central issues regarding the Ministry’s work in developing Norwegian Petroleum Policies. Follow-up of planning, development, operation and use of pipelines and land treatment facilities for gas and oil. Regulation of infrastructure on the Norwegian continental shelf. Follow-up of relevant EU processes. Managing state ownership of Gassco. Secretariat for the Petroleum Price Board, which sets tax reference prices (norm prices). Implementing Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Norway. Bilateral contact with other oil and gas producing and consuming countries. Contact with other oil and gas producing and consuming countries, and Norwegian participation in international forums, such as the International Energy Agency (IEA), International Energy Forum (IEF) and Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF).

Climate, Industry and Technology Department

  • Director General Kristin Myskja

    Head of Climate, Industry and Technology Department


    Phone +47 22 24 63 59

  • Research and Technology Section (FOT)

    The Ministry's research and development (R&D) activities and R&D programmes i the energy and petroleum sectors. Environmentally friendly gas power technologies, Gassnova, the Gas Technology Fund, the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF). Hydrogen, incl. participation in the International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy (IPHE). The Government's and the ministries Research Committee. Following up of the OG21 and the Energi 21 R&D-strategies . International collaboration.

  • Section for internationalisation (INI)

    The Ministry’s Issues related to the development of the Norwegian supply and services industry with deliveries of goods and services to the petroleum- and energy industries. Issues of industrial and political relevance to the petroleum and energy industries. The Ministry’s contribution to the internationalisation of the industries.

  • Section for Climate Change and Emissions to Air (KLU)

    The Ministry’s engagement in national climate policy as well as follow up of international environmental issues regarding emissions to air, including international climate negotiations and regional cooperation on climate change. Carbon capture and storage (CCS). Development of emission forecasts, analysis of measures as well as assessment of instruments in use.

  • Section for CCS

    The section follows up the Ministry’s responsibilities in projects for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). The section is also responsible for the Ministry’s ownership of Gassnova SF. Other responsibilities include Norwegian regulatory work regarding CCS and processes regarding state aid and the EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA).

  • Section for offshore wind

    The section works to develop the regulations and policy for offshore wind power production in Norway. The work includes preparations for announcing areas, allocation of land, licensing processes, as well as cooperation with other countries.

Energy and Water Resources Department

  • Director General Torhild H. Martinsen

    Energy and Water Resources Department (EV)


    Phone +47 22 24 63 80

  • Director General Lars Christian Sæther

    Energy and Water Resources Department (EV)


    Phone +47 22 24 63 11

  • Section for licensing, land use and environment

    The section is responsible for licensing of hydro power plants, wind power plants, grid and other electricity facilities, in addition to management of granted licenses. Furthermore, issues related to floods, landslides, avalanches, the protection of watercourses and environmental impacts sort under the section. The section is also responsible for the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate.

  • Section for Grid, Energy use and Markets

    Section for Grid, Energy use and Markets is responsible for an efficient operation and development of the Norwegian energy system, and to facilitate effective use of energy.

  • Section for energy analysis

    The sections work area includes general energy policy issues and cordination of overreaching energy issues. The section have responsibility for energy analysis, including development of method tools in the energy sector, analysis of the development of the power and energy system in the short and long term, assessments of how different instruments affect the energy sector and socioeconomic assessments of concrete measures in the energy field. The section also has responsibility for coordinating EU / EEA affairs in the department, as well as horizontal regulations in the EU area.

  • Section for Energy and Water Resources Law

    The Section is responsible for regulatory developments in the domestic energy and water resources legislation. Relevant legislation is the Waterfall Rights Act, the Water Course Regulation Act, the Water Resources Act, the Energy Act, the Natural Gas Act, the Ocean Energy Act and the Act on Electricity Certificates, with supplementary regulations. The Section also has tasks related to the implementation and follow-up of EEA legal obligations, legal interpretation and the handling of public consultations within the Department's area.

Department for Economic and Administrative Affairs

  • Director General Bjørn Ståle Haavik

    Head of Economic and Administrative Affairs (ØA)


    Phone +47 22 24 65 10

  • Budget and Finance Management (BØ)

    Administration of finances within the Ministry's area of responsibility. Co-ordination an preparing the annual state budgets and national accounts for the Ministry's area of responsibility. Internal financial control an general financial matters within the Ministry. Assist The Office of the Auditor General.

  • Section for information management and common services (IF)

    Information management and records service. Requests for access to information and records. Transfer of records to the National Archives of Norway. Use and development of systems and working tools. Develop efficient working processes. Common services and delivery assistance.

  • Section for EU/EEA

    Section for EU/EEA is responsible for the coordination between the Ministry for Petroleum and Energy and EU/EEA. The contact with the EU Commission, ESA and others, concerning directives that are relevant for the Ministry is conducted in relation with the appropriate department.

  • Section for Human Resources (HR)

    The Ministry’s personnel policy. Development of the organization, leadership and competance. The Ministry’s internal personnel management.

  • Section for Safety and Working Environment

    The section is responsible for the ministry’s work on working environment, safety, and emergency preparedness in the petroleum industry, offshore renewable energy, CO2 transport and storage, and seabed mineral activities. Additionally, it oversees work related to the sector regulations’ provisions on security in the petroleum industry. The section also has the agency management responsibility for The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority.

Communication Unit (KOMM)