Norwegian ERA Roadmap 2016–2020
Report | Date: 17/10/2017 | Ministry of Education and Research
The Norwegian ERA Roadmap aims at contributing to a successful European Research Area by stating goals and actions to implement the Top Action Priorities identified in the ERA Roadmap 2015–2020

Active participation in ERA is a clear priority in the Norwegian Government’s strategy for research and innovation cooperation with the EU (Horizon 2020 and ERA) of May 2014.
Through ERA – a unified internal market for research - the EU´s member
states, EEA / EFTA states and other associated countries seek to strengthen their scientific and technological bases, their competitiveness as well as
their capacity to collectively address grand challenges.
Norway hereby presents its national European Research Area Roadmap (ERA Roadmap). Its purpose is to contribute to a successful European Research Area by stating goals and actions, which implement
the Top Action Priorities identified in the ERA Roadmap 2015-2020.