Strategy for cooperation on higher education and research with Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia and South Africa (2016–2020)
Plans/strategy | Date: 09/10/2015 | Ministry of Education and Research
Status: Invalid/cancelled - replaced by The Panorama Strategy (2021–2027)
As a result of the changes occurring globally, cooperation with other countries on other continents will come to play a more important role for the further development of the Norwegian knowledge society.

The six countries encompassed by the strategy are highly diverse, and the prerequisites for establishing long-term cooperation on higher education and research vary from country to country. The interests that underlie Norway’s bilateral relations with each country differ as well. Common to all the countries is that their production of new knowledge is increasingly important for the world and for Norway.
China and India play a central role at the regional and global levels, and are becoming more important for Norway as well due to their size and impact. As a large, populous neighbouring country, Russia will always hold particular significance for Norway, in part for geopolitical reasons. Brazil and Japan are key actors both regionally and globally, and are closely linked with Norwegian foreign economy. South Africa plays a special role in Africa’s development and future role internationally.
On the one hand, Norwegian interests in the knowledge area are related to increased internationalisation as an instrument for enhancing the quality and relevance of Norwegian education and research. On the other hand, cooperation on higher education and research is often linked to other political objectives, e.g. supporting broader foreign policy, development policy and/or trade and industry policy interests. Consequently, a number of actors at governmental and institutional levels are involved.
Regardless of which interests form the point of departure for Norwegian cooperation with these countries, the objective is to view activities involving higher education and research within a more cohesive framework, with an eye to improving resource utilisation and exploiting potential synergies.
The strategy will help to achieve this by the following means:
- clarifying the overarching priorities for higher education and research cooperation with the countries encompassed by the strategy;
- introducing measures targeted towards special challenges related to higher education and research cooperation with these countries;
- providing a more cohesive picture of specific conditions, frameworks and issues of particular importance relating to higher education and research cooperation for each country encompassed by the strategy.