Budget proposal 2012 – Enhanced operational capability

In its proposed Defence Budget for the financial year 2012 the Government has honoured its promise to the Armed Forces by fulfilling the funding of the long term plan (2009 – 2012).

In its proposed Defence Budget for the financial year 2012 the Government has honoured its promise to the Armed Forces by fulfilling the funding of the long term plan (2009 – 2012). The Armed Forces will fulfil their part of the contract by a substantially increased efficiency over the same period.

I would like to emphasise the effect of this contract between the Armed Forces and the Government:  Increased budget allocations and increased efficiency will result in an enhanced operational capability and a national defence in a more viable balance. These were the main goals of the long term plan 2009 – 2012, Defence Minister Grete Faremo points out in a comment.

When the major restructuring of the Norwegian defence sector began around 2000, not everyone believed in long term success. Most people agreed, however, to the underlying predictions: If unadjusted, the result would have been a national defence unable to solve its tasks within a few years. In addition, there would have been no room for investments and modernisation within the total defence budget.

The path leading to where we stand today has been challenging, and many tough decisions have been made. Bases have been closed and the workforce has been substantially cut in support functions, enabling the Armed Forces to increase the manning necessary to ensure maximum operational output. The result is impressive: Efficient and highly capable Armed Forces.

First and foremost, Defence Minister Grete Faremo would like to give her recognition to the personnel that made this possible. Both the employees and management of the Armed Forces have fulfilled their part of the contract through hard work and determination.

I am also proud of the fact that we now take better care of those who have contributed in making this possible, namely our veterans. In this budget proposal we have prioritized a substantial increase in the budget allocation to ensure the fulfilment of veteran rights. This is a cost I will gratefully bear, Faremo stresses in a final note.