State Secretary Roger Sandum

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Education and Research

State Secretary Roger Østlie Sandum (Socialist Left Party)

Roger Østlie Sandum is State Secretary for The Minister of Education - responsible for kindergarten and basic education policy. This includes compulsory education from 1 - 10th degree and upper secondary education.

Born: 1970


1990- University Preliminary Entrance Examination (Ex. phil.) from the University of Oslo
1992- Studies in photography, Strømmen videregående skole (college)

Work Experience
1992-2000- worked as Photographer and Press Reporter for Romerikes Blad
2000-2005- He has held the positions Press Secretary, Head of Information, and Political Adviser to the Head of the Parliamentary Group of The Socialist Left Party

1991-1995- Mr Sandum was elected Representative to the County Council of Akershus