National minorities
Groups with a long-standing attachment to the country are defined as national minorities. In Norway these minorities are: Kvens/Norwegian Finns (people of Finnish descent in Northern Norway), Jews, Forest Finns, Roma and Romani people/Taters.
Latest on national minorities
- NOU 2024: 3 - Joint efforts against extremism: Better conditions for preventive work Norwegian Official Report (NOU) 01/03/2024
- White Paper no. 12 (2020–2021) - White Paper no. 12 (2020–2021) Report to the Storting 04/11/2021
- Action plan against antisemitism 2021–2023 – a continuation Plans/strategy 11/05/2021
- Meld. St. 8 (2018–2019) - The Power of Culture Report to the Storting 23/11/2018
- Action plan against antisemitism Plans/strategy 09/01/2017
Department of Indigenous and National Minority Affairs
+47 22 24 71 75
Postboks 8112 Dep., 0032 Oslo
Visitor address:
Akersgt. 59, Oslo