Statement at the Continental Humanitarian Summit
Speech/statement | Date: 27/05/2022 | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
By Former Minister of International Development Anne Beathe Tvinnereim (Malabo, 27 May)
Minister of International Development Anne Beathe Tvinnereim's statement at the Continental Humanitarian Summit, 27 May 2022. The summit took place in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.
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Norway thanks the African Union and Equatorial Guinea for the leadership they show in hosting this summit.
Norway shares the same concerns regarding increasing humanitarian needs in Africa [as expressed by previous speakers]. Many countries in the region are experiencing conflict, violence, and consequences of climate change. Many people are displaced, within their own country or across borders. In addition, the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic will affect countries negatively in the years to come.
The outlook at the beginning of the year was bleak. Now, the war in Ukraine has led to a further deterioration of the situation, including a sharp rise in acute food insecurity, hunger and malnutrition, particularly on the African continent.
Norway recognises the efforts made by African states to meet the huge humanitarian challenges on the continent, including through the establishment of the AU Humanitarian Agency. We need strong African leadership and a clear focus on protection during humanitarian crises. It is essential that the required capacity be allocated for follow-up.
The widening financing gap worries us. Norway will continue to be a major contributor to humanitarian support in Africa. Our support to the Ukraine crisis will not come at the expense of our humanitarian support to other crises.
So far this year, Norway has contributed over NOK 763 million, equivalent to more than USD 78 million (@9.74), in humanitarian assistance to Africa. In addition, a substantial part of our non-earmarked contributions to UNHCR (NOK 630 million) and WFP (NOK 400 million) will be allocated to Africa.
Norway is committed to breaking the downward spiral that is turning protracted, complex crises into the new norm. Prevention and early action are key. And we must always make sure there is coherency between humanitarian and development assistance, as well as peace and reconciliation efforts: What we do when a crisis hits must support our long-term goals.
We promote humanitarian innovation and reform with a view to closing the gap between increasing humanitarian needs and available resources. We must ensure that the limited resources reach those in greatest need.
Thank you.