Norway providing support for flood victims in Libya

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‘Libya has been hit by devastating flooding. Thousands of people have died and many more are missing or lost their homes. Norway is providing NOK 25 million for life-saving assistance in the northeastern part of the country. The funds will be channelled through the UN, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and Norwegian humanitarian partners in Libya,’ said Minister of International Development Anne Beathe Tvinnereim.

On Sunday 10 September, Storm Daniel struck northeastern Libya. The strong winds and torrential rain led to extensive flooding. The collapse of two dams caused flash floods that claimed many lives and left enormous destruction in their wake.

Bilde av bil under vann og redningsarbeider ved vannkanten under flommen i Libya
The Red Cross is among the aid organisations working to rescue missing people after the floods in Libya. Credit: Red Cross

‘The funding from Norway will be provided via the Norwegian Refugee Council, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and the EU, all of which are working under extremely difficult circumstances to save lives and help survivors by providing food, medicine and shelter,’ said Ms Tvinnereim.

The funding from Norway comes in addition to support provided to the UN-led emergency aid efforts already underway. Norway allocates NOK 450 million annually to the UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF). These funds are being used in the flood response in Libya.

The scale of the disaster and the lack of accurate and reliable information from the flood-affected areas pose significant challenges to the relief effort. Limited access and the complex political and security situation in Libya are making it more difficult to provide and coordinate effective humanitarian aid. The UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Libya has set up an emergency response team to support local authorities and partners.

Ready to provide further assistance

‘Norway stands ready to provide further humanitarian assistance. The Norwegian Embassy in Cairo is following the situation closely and is in contact with our partners to ensure that we have the best possible overview of the situation in the affected areas,’ said Ms Tvinnereim.

Norway’s support to Morrocco

Morocco was also struck by a major natural disaster last week. Norway has provided NOK 10 million to support the efforts of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to provide food, medicine and shelter to the victims of the earthquake.