
Showing 501-520 of 3584 results.

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  • The Norwegian Nationality Act

    04/12/2023 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    The Nationality Act and Nationality Regulations contain rules on how persons can become Norwegian nationals and how they may lose their Norwegian nationality.

  • Area focus

    04/12/2023 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    In some areas with major and complex social challenges, the state and municipalities have joined together to make an extra effort.

  • Volunteering and dialogue

    04/12/2023 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Voluntary organisations and sports associations are the glue in many local communities.

  • Job Opportunity

    04/12/2023 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Immigrants who require basic qualifications, who have no links with working life and who are not covered by existing schemes are in the target group for this measure.

  • Introduction programme

    04/12/2023 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    The goal is to give the individual basic skills in the Norwegian language and a fundamental insight into Norwegian social conditions and to prepare him/her for work or education.

  • Interpreting in the public sector

    04/12/2023 Article Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    The Ministry of Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion has the main responsibility for arranging for interpreting to and from Norwegian and other spoken languages in the public sector.

  • NOK 100 million for climate adaptation in the least developed countries

    04/12/2023 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The least developed countries are hardest hit by climate change, while at the same time lacking sufficient capacity and resources to meet the climate challenges. The contribution from Norway will reach those who need it most.

  • Negative social control and honour based violence

    04/12/2023 Article Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    It is important to prevent children and young individuals in Norway from being exposed to negative social control and honour based violence, inlcuding forced marriage and female genital mutilation.

  • Norway invests NOK 350 million in 'invisible results'

    03/12/2023 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway is contributing NOK 350 million to WFP's flagship programme to improve crisis prevention. Early warning-based response to food insecurity and other crises reduces humanitarian needs.

  • Focus on forest conservation and oceans at Climate Action Summit

    02/12/2023 News story Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    On 2 December, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre participated in the World Climate Action Summit at COP28 in Dubai, along with Heads of State and Government from Brazil, France, Tonga, Ghana and Indonesia. In his remarks, Mr Støre emphasised the

  • Battery initiative to promote renewable energy in developing countries

    02/12/2023 News story Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    In the course of 2024, a new partnership will devote at least USD 1 billion in a historic effort to integrate batteries into the energy systems of developing countries. The aim is to provide millions of people with reliable access to solar and wind

  • COP28: Norway to provide NOK 270 million to new climate fund

    02/12/2023 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre announced at the UN climate summit (COP28) in Dubai that Norway will provide NOK 270 million to the new fund for loss and damage associated with climate change (Loss and Damage Fund).

  • Prime Minister Støre´s statement at World Climate Action Summit

    02/12/2023 Speech/statement Office of the Prime Minister

    Mr President, We are in Dubai to carve out a clear way forward for 1.5 and climate resilience. Energy transition is the linchpin of a roadmap for ambition and action. We must join forces behind a collective commitment to phase out use of unabated

    By Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre

  • Norway invests NOK 200 million in clean cooking solutions in Africa

    02/12/2023 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Over 2.3 billion people do not have access to clean cooking facilities and must use charcoal and other fossil fuels to put food on the table, putting their health at risk. Norway announces a NOK 200 million agreement that will give up to 3.6 million

  • Norway to participate as guest country in G20

    01/12/2023 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    Brazil has now taken over the G20 Presidency for the next year and has invited Norway to participate as a guest country in the G20’s work. ‘Brazil’s invitation to Norway to participate in the G20 the next year represents a major vote of confidence.

  • Støre and Kerry call for accelerated efforts to cut emissions from shipping

    01/12/2023 News story Office of the Prime Minister

    Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre and US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry are co-leading an international initiative to accelerate reduction of emissions from the shipping sector. Under the Green Shipping Challenge event, various

  • Deeply regret that the ceasefire in Gaza is not continued

    01/12/2023 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    'There has been unimaginable suffering for far too long in Gaza. The extensive warfare we have witnessed has taken a severe toll on the civilian population’, said Norway’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Espen Barth Eide.

  • Ministerial Council in the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) affected by Russia’s war against Ukraine

    01/12/2023 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Today, Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide is joining foreign ministers from most of the 57 OSCE participating states at the annual Ministerial Council being held this year in Skopje, North Macedonia.

  • Indonesia and Norway strengthen joint efforts to beat climate change

    01/12/2023 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    Indonesia is a global leader in reducing deforestation - now with the lowest reported levels in 20 years. To recognize Indonesia’s impressive results, Norway announces a contribution of 100 million US dollars to support the country’s continuous

  • Changes among the state secretaries

    01/12/2023 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    In today’s Council of State, The King has honourably discharged Mr. Tomas Norvoll as state secretary to Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion, Ms. Tonje Brenna. Mr. Norvoll is appointed again as state secretary to Minister of Digitalisation and

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