News and press releases

Latest news from the Ministries and the Office of the Prime Minister can be found here.

  • The IMF's Article IV consultation for 2024 has been completed

    18/09/2024 News story Ministry of Finance

    On 28 June, the IMF's delegation to Norway presented its yearly assessment of the Norwegian economy and Norwegian economic policy to the government. The full report has now been concluded by the IMF Executive Board.

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    Long-term Perspectives on the Norwegian Economy 2024: Future Norway Needs New Solutions and More People Working

    09/08/2024 Press release Ministry of Finance

    The government has today presented the report on Long-term Perspectives on the Norwegian Economy 2024, which discusses the main challenges for the Norwegian economy towards 2060. In this report, the government has set a goal to increase the share of

  • Web TV

    IMF: Expect higher growth in the Norwegian economy

    28/06/2024 Press release Ministry of Finance

    Economic growth will strengthen gradually and real incomes will increase, improving most households’ purchasing power. This is one of the conclusions of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s yearly assessment of the Norwegian economy and Norwegian

  • Web TV

    OECD on the Norwegian economy: High activity and lower inflation

    20/06/2024 Press release Ministry of Finance

    OECD today published their biannual survey of the Norwegian economy, with recommendations on how the government should face important challenges ahead. The survey points to increasing activity in the Norwegian economy. It also emphasises the

  • Web TV

    Press conference: OECDs Economic Survey of Norway

    17/06/2024 Press release Ministry of Finance

    On Thursday 20 June at 10:00 the OECD will present a new Economic Survey of Norway to Minister of Finance Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Centre Party).

  • Web TV

    Revised National Budget 2024: A budget to provide security in demanding times

    14/05/2024 Press release Ministry of Finance

    Defence and security are the priorities in the Norwegian government’s proposal for the Revised National Budget. The government’s most important duty is to safeguard its people. Defence capability will be strengthened with a historic budget increase

  • Revised National Budget: Key figures in the Revised National Budget 2024

    14/05/2024 Press release Ministry of Finance

    To secure equal access to information that might be market sensitive, the Ministry of Finance publishes selected key figures prior to presenting the Revised National Budget at 10:45 a.m. More detailed forecasts will be published in the Revised

  • The Government Pension Fund white paper 2024

    12/04/2024 Press release Ministry of Finance

    Today, the Ministry of Finance submits the annual white paper about the Government Pension Fund to the Storting. The white paper gives an account of the Government Pension Fund Norway (GPFN) and Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) results and

  • New Norwegian Long Term Plan on Defence: 'A historic plan'

    05/04/2024 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Finance

    The Norwegian Government is proposing to parliament a historic increase in defence spending with 600 billion kroner over the next 12 years, from this year to 2036 (approx. 60 billion USD). It is a historic boost for the Armed Forces. All services of

  • Recommendations from the working group on government transactions and the money market

    03/04/2024 News story Ministry of Finance

    In June 2023, the Ministry of Finance appointed a working group composed of experts from Norges Bank (Central Bank of Norway) and the Ministry of Finance to examine the effects of government transactions on the money market. The working group has

  • Norway will meet NATO's 2% guideline in 2024

    14/03/2024 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Finance

    'The security situation nationally and internationally require that we strengthen our defence now. Norway will meet NATO's 2% guideline this year. Norwegian and allied security is not to be taken for granted. We face a more dangerous and more

  • Norway will implement new rules for taxation of large multinational enterprises

    24/11/2023 Press release Ministry of Finance

    Today the Government put forward a Bill to the Norwegian parliament to implement internationally agreed rules on global minimum tax. This will deter profit shifting and ensure large business groups pay at least 15 per cent tax on their profits. The

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    The National Budget 2024: A budget to safeguard Norwegian households

    06/10/2023 Press release Ministry of Finance

    The budget for 2024 provides security and opportunity for people and businesses throughout Norway. There are expenditure increases in several areas due to war in Europe, a record number of refugees and higher prices. The Government’s priorities are

  • The National Budget 2024: Key Figures in the National Budget 2024

    06/10/2023 Press release Ministry of Finance

    The Ministry of Finance publishes selected key figures at 8 am, prior to the publication of the budget at 9 am. More detailed projections will be published in the National Budget.

  • The National Budget 2024: The Government will introduce a resource rent tax on onshore wind power from 2024

    06/10/2023 Press release Ministry of Finance, Office of the Prime Minister

    The Government is today presenting a modified bill for the introduction of a resource rent tax on onshore wind power from 2024. The proposal will ensure that a larger share of the value added in the wind power industry will accrue to society as a

  • Identification of systemically important institutions

    29/09/2023 News story Ministry of Finance

    The Ministry of Finance has today decided that DNB ASA, Kommunalbanken AS, Nordea Eiendomskreditt AS and Sparebank 1 SR-Bank ASA shall be identified as systemically important institutions in Norway, as recommended by the Norwegian FSA.

  • IMF launches report on Anti-Money Laundering in the Nordic-Baltic region

    04/09/2023 News story Ministry of Finance

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has published a report today on various aspects of anti-money laundering work in the Nordic-Baltic region. Norwegian authorities have participated since the project began in 2021.

  • The IMF's Article IV consultation for 2023 has been completed

    26/07/2023 News story Ministry of Finance

    On 8 June, the IMF's delegation to Norway presented its yearly assessment of the Norwegian economy and Norwegian economic policy to the government.  The full report has now been concluded by the IMF Executive Board.

  • Web TV

    IMF: Favourable growth prospects, solid fundamentals and policy management

    08/06/2023 Press release Ministry of Finance

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) today presented its yearly assessment of the Norwegian economy and Norwegian economic policy. An IMF delegation has spent the last week meeting Norwegian authorities, academic and financial institutions and

  • Web TV

    Revised National Budget: A responsible budget that provides security for people throughout Norway

    11/05/2023 Press release Ministry of Finance

    In the revised budget, the government will prioritise crucial public services such as healthcare, the police and refugees. Providers of public services and benefit recipients will receive compensation for wage growth and inflation. The government

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