Report No. 8 to the Storting (2007-2008)

A Cultural Rucksack for the Future

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References and background literature

Books and reports

ABM-skrift [Archive, Library and Museum Authority] No. 30 (2006): Bibliotekreform 2014 – del I: Strategier og tiltak [Library reform, Part I: strategies and measures].

ABM-skrift [Archive, Library and Museum Authority] No. 31 (2006): Bibliotekreform 2014 – del II: Norgesbiblioteket – nettverk for kunnskap og kultur [Library reform, Part II: National library – a network for knowledge and culture].

ABM-skrift [Archive, Library and Museum Authority] No. 41 (2006): Statistikk for bibliotek og museum 2006 [Museum and library statistics 2006].

ABM-skrift [Archive, Library and Museum Authority] No. 39 (2007): Lykketreff. Om de gode møtene i Den kulturelle skolesekken [Successful activities under the Cultural Rucksack programme].

Austbø, Anne Tove (ed.) (2000): L97 og museene [National curriculum 1997 and the museums], Norsk museumsutvikling 3:2000.

Bamford, Anne (2006): The Wow Factor. Global research compendium on the impact of the arts in education. UNESCO, Waxmann Verlag, Münster.

Borgen, Jorunn Spord and Synnøve S. Brandt (2006): Ekstraordinært eller selvfølgelig? Evaluering av Den kulturelle skolesekken i grunnskolen [Extra-ordinary or self-evident – evaluation of the Cultural Rucksack in primary and lower secondary schools]. NIFU STEP Report 5/2006.

Buland, Trond et al. (2007): Lokal grunnmur gir nasjonalt byggverk?, Evaluering av tiltaksplanen «Gi rom for lesing!» – Delrapport 3 [Local foundation or national building? Evaluation of the action plan “Make Space for Reading!”, part 3 of the report], SINTEF Teknologi og samfunn, Trondheim.

Eeg, Camilla and Elisabeth Sørheim (2006): Med egne øyne I. Om formidling av samtidskunst [With their own eyes I. On presenting contemporary art]. Nasjonalmuseet/GAN forlag.

Haugsevje, Åsne Widskjold (2002): Inspirasjon eller distraksjon? Evaluering av forsøket med «full pakke» profesjonell kunst- og kulturformidling som del av den kulturelle skolesekken i Buskerud [Inspiration or discussion? Evaluation of trial project on the presentation of art and culture by professionals in Buskerud County], Telemarksforskning, Bø, Arbeidsrapport nr. 10.

Högkvist, Stina (2006): Med egne øyne II. Om formidling av videokunst [With their own eyes II. On the presentation of video art]. Nasjonalmuseet/GAN forlag.

Kristiansen, Line Prøis (2007): Den kulturelle skolesekken i Akershus – En brukerundersøkelse [The Cultural Rucksack in Akershus – a user survey], HiO-rapport nr. 2, Oslo University College.

Sogn- og Fjordane fylkeskommune (2006): Kulturkontakten. Informasjon til kulturkontaktane og skulane [The cultural coordinator. Information for cultural coordinators and schools].

Research Council of Norway (2003): Kunnskapsbehov i kultursektoren [Knowledge needs in the cultural sector].

Kunsten å være kirke – om kirke, kunst og kultur [On art, culture and the church] (2005): Verbum forlag, Oslo.

Lidén, Hilde (2001): Den kulturelle skolesekken. Modeller for kultur-skole samarbeid, sett nedenfra [The Cultural Rucksack. Models for school–cultural sector cooperation], Norsk Museumsutvikling, 2001.

Lidén, Hilde (2004): Tørrfisken stinka, men kahytten var topp – En oppfølgingsstudie av to modeller for organisering av Den kulturelle skolesekken [A follow-up study of two models for the organisation of the Cultural Rucksack], ISF rapport 012, 2004.

Røyseng, Sigrid and Ellen K. Aslaksen (2003): Pionerer i regional kulturformidling – Evaluering av Turneorganisasjonen for Hedmark [Pioneers of cultural presentation at the regional level – evaluation of Hedmark Touring Organisation], Telemarksforskning – Bø [Telemark Research Institute], Rapport nr. 201.

Rønning, Anne (2003): Evaluering av Turnéorganisasjonen i Østfold [Evaluation of Turnéorganisasjonen i Østfold, responsible for the Cultural Rucksack in Østfold County], Stiftelsen Østfoldforskning, OR.25.03.

Den kulturelle skolesekken – forsking, utvikling og evaluering [The Cultural Rucksack – research, development and evaluation], NIFU skriftsserie nr. 21, 2003.

Strategies, action plans and White Papers

Broen og den blå hesten [Action plan “The bridge and the blue horse”] (1996), Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs.

Gi rom for lesing! Veien videre [“Make Space for Reading!” The road ahead] (2007), Directorate for Education and Training.

Handlingsplan for landsdekkende formidling av billedkunst, kunsthåndverk, arkitektur og design [National action plan for the presentation of architecture, design and the decorative and visual arts] (2005), National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design.

Kompetanse for utvikling. Strategi for kompetanseutvikling i grunnopplæringen2005–2008 [Strategy for competence development in primary and lower secondary school 2005–2008] (2004): Ministry of Education and Research.

Læreplanverket for Kunnskapsløftet [National curriculum for the Knowledge Reform] (2006): Ministry of Education and Research.

Skapende læring. Strategiplan for kunst og kultur i opplæringen [Creative learning. Strategy for art and culture in education] (2007): Ministry of Education and Research.

Report No. 61 (1991–1992) to the Storting: Culture for Our Time , Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs.

Report No. 38 (2002–2003) to the Storting: The Cultural Rucksack , Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs.

Report No. 39 (2002–2003) to the Storting on art and culture in schools, Ministry of Education and Research.

Report No. 48 (2002-2003) to the Storting: Cultural Policy up to 2014, Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs.

Report No. 30 (2003–2004) to the Storting: A Culture for Learning , Ministry of Education and Research.

Report No. 22 (2006–2007) to the Storting on film, Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs.


The following are the most frequently used abbreviations in the text :

NIFU STEP – the evaluator of the project, a body that conducts studies on education, research and innovation.

Norsk Tipping funds – from the allocation to culture of the surplus from Norsk Tipping, the state-owned gaming company.

Rikskonsertene – the Norwegian Concert Institute.

Scenekunstbruket – The National Touring Network for Performing Arts.

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