Historical archive

The World Bank and the regional development banks

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The World Bank and the regional development banks provide financial support and expert advice to developing and middle income countries.

Member countries make capital contributions to the banks in proportion to their relative sizes in the world economy. Voluntary contributions can also be made to various development funds that provide loans to the poorest countries on very favourable terms. Norway is giving high priority to working with these institutions, and makes significant financial contributions to them.

Norway has advocated that development banks should make greater efforts in relation to harmonisation and role distribution at country level, including by promoting greater recipient-orientation and national ownership.

In addition, Norway is making earmarked contributions to the banks to influence and develop their policies and operations, and to encourage them to try out innovative and more effective approaches, thereby putting new themes on their agendas and securing better development cooperation results.