Child welfare service assistance measures for young persons between 18 and 25 years of age

The objective of providing assistance measures for the 18-25 age group is to give these young persons the necessary help and support during the transition to an independent adult life.

According to section 1-3 subsection 2 of the Child Welfare Act, measures that are implemented before a person has reached the age of 18 may be maintained or replaced by other measures until the person has reached the age of 25 provided the person consents to this.

The child welfare service is to prepare a plan of measures in adequate time before the young person reaches the age of 18 and in cooperation with this person. If the young person refuses assistance measures after the age of 18, the child welfare service should ask him/her about this again within one year.

Young persons may appeal to the County Governor if they do not receive the help they want. A municipality that refuses an application for measures is obliged to make the young person aware of his/her right to appeal against this decision.

Section 1-3 of the Child Welfare Act was amended on 1 July 2009. The termination of a measure when a young person reaches the age of 18 and the rejection of an application for measures after the young person is 18 must now be regarded as individual decisions and must be justified by the consideration of the child's best interests.

The objective of the amendment is to underline that the main rule and starting point is that measures are to be continued after a young person reaches the age of 18. The amendment is intended to ensure that there is always a thorough assessment of whether a young person is to be given assistance measures after the age of 18.

All kinds of measures pursuant to the Child Welfare Act may be maintained as assistance measures after the age of 18, including placements outside the home. New measures may also be implemented.

For more information on assistance measures after the age of 18, refer to the circular on measures pursuant to the Child Welfare Act for young persons over 18, Q-13/2011.

Information on assistance measures after the age of 18 can also be found on the website of the Landsforeningen for barnevernsbarn (Association of Child Welfare Service Children).