Historical archive

High Wind 2020 - video message

Historical archive

Published under: Solberg's Government

Publisher: Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

Minister of Petroleum and Energy Tina Bru performed this video message to the High Wind 2020 conference in Stavanger on November 4th 2020.

Checked against delivery. 

Good morning!

I am so sorry I couldn't be with you today in Stavanger, but my duties in the parliament had to come first. But I hope a few opening remarks will underscore the significance that the department of energy, and I, set for offshore wind.

And what you are discussing at High Wind 2020 is finding solutions to combat climate change. But it is also about businesses, jobs, industrial activity and value creation.


Today, Thema Consulting will present their report on opportunities within offshore wind for the Norwegian industry.

A report which is a part of the bigger picture - and the message is clear:

Offshore wind has the potential to become a new industrial adventure.

It already is an industrial adventure! As it is Norway's largest renewables export, when it comes to goods and services.


We must use this momentum when we go forward. How can we use the competence and technology from the oil and gas industry, to develop new solutions for the future offshore wind projects?

And as for the road ahead. The Norwegian government will provide support by a variety of various means.

Such as:

Opening dedicated areas for offshore wind projects along the coast.

Using well known support-schemes, like Enova.

Facilitate research and technology development, through a brand new research center.

Financing a new industrial initiative that explores how companies can become more integrated in businessmodels for the offshore wind industry

It is all about how we can develop better solutions, with lower cost and new technology.

Because Norwegian companies are already competing – and winning - contracts in the global market. And we need to keep this edge going in the coming years.

Let me also acknowledge a part of the support team behind these efforts and results: Our export financing system: Export Credit Norway and GIEK and Norwep, Norwegian Energy Partners.

And of course, my hometown of Stavanger and Rogaland county – with many other partners along the coast.

In the years ahead, we want the industry to keep up the momentum, cut costs and explore global opportunities – and that is exactly what our policies aim for.

This industry will create jobs. It will draw on our knowledge of the seas. And it will grow - using the people, capital and technology that 50 years of offshore oil and gas exploration has taught us.

This county and this coast have a gold medal in seizing new opportunities.

And I believe we will surely seize this one too.

Thank you for your attention – and the best of luck with today's conference in beautiful Stavanger.