Renewable Energy

Offshore wind
The areas Utsira Nord and Sørlige Nordsjø II were opened for offshore renewable energy production in June 2021. The Government will submit a proposal to the Storting in the course of spring 2022 for amendments to the Offshore Energy Act and the appurtenant regulations. The Government plans to open an area totalling five to six times the size of Southern North Sea II, or roughly 1 % of Norway’s sea areas. This will be done in stages by 2040.

The History of Norwegian Hydropower in 5 Minutes
Modern Norway was built and industrialised when we started to utilize rivers and waterfalls to produce electricity. Hydropower is still the backbone of the Norwegian power system, and will remain so in the foreseeable future.

The Energy Administration in Norway
The Norwegian Storting (parliament) determines the political framework for energy and water resources management in Norway. The Government has the executive authority through its various ministries.
Latest on renewable energy
What's new
- The future development of the Norwegian continental shelf Speech/statement 26/11/2024
- Call for proposals for the first renewable energy guarantees Press release 15/11/2024
- High-powered support for renewable energy projects News story 23/10/2024
- A responsible approach to floating offshore wind Press release 07/10/2024
- Norway and the Age of Energy Speech/statement 24/09/2024
- NOU 2023: 25 - The transition to low emissions Norwegian Official Report (NOU) 27/10/2023
- Prop. 2 LS (2023–2024) - Resource rent tax on onshore wind power Proposition 06/10/2023
- Offshore Energy Act Law 29/03/2023
- Meld. St. 24 (2016–2017) - Common Responsibility for Common Future Report to the Storting 05/04/2017
- NOU 2015: 15 - Environmental Pricing (Summary) Norwegian Official Report (NOU) 09/12/2015