Invitation to a digital Nordic seminar on inclusion of vulnerable young people 15th September

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The Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion invites to a Nordic digital seminar 15th September on inclusion of young people in work, education and society. The seminar is part of the Norwegian presidency programme for the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2022.

Web TV Seminar on inclusion of vulnerable young people

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See broadcast

Please note that the interpretation of the seminar is not available in the recording.

Nordic seminar on inclusion of vulnerable young people

Inclusion of vulnerable young people in work, education and society is high on the priority in the Nordic countries. Despite a range of measures across many years, too many young people are being excluded. What can Nordic research tell about effective methods and measures? How can the Nordic welfare states provide comprehensive support to vulnerable young people?

On the initiative of the Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion the Oslo Metropolitan University, in cooperation with researchers from all the Nordic countries and areas, have made a review of Nordic research literature of Inclusion of young people in school, work and society (available in English and Norwegian). Findings from the review will be presented and the implications for policy development and further research will be discussed.

The seminar is particularly of interest for employees of Nordic ministries, directorates and agencies and others who work with inclusion of vulnerable young people, user representatives and researchers. There will be interpretation between Scandinavian and Finnish and Icelandic.

The Nordic Council of Ministers will in the period 2021-2024 contribute to further develop the Nordic welfare model with special emphasis on vulnerable children, young people and adults. In the Norwegian Programme for the Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2022 we want to increase knowledge of measures that will help to include more people in working life and in society in general, with a particular emphasis on vulnerable young people.

Nordisk seminar om inkludering av utsatte unge
Nordisk seminar 15. september 2022 Credit: Maskot/ NTB


Opening of the seminar

10:00-10:10 – Opening by The Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion Marte Mjøs Persen

10:10-10:30 –  What does Nordic research say about what it takes to include young people in the Nordic countries? (Anne Leseth and Andreea I Alecu from OsloMet)

10:30-10:50 – Comments from Svend Bladt of Baglandet Vejle, Denmark and Martine Antonsen, Mental helse ungdom, Norway and Gry Strømsnes of the Directorate of Labour and Welfare

How can the Nordic welfare states provide comprehensive support to vulnerable young people?

A socially sustainable Nordic region is dependent on as few as possible fall outside labour and education. Young people with complex challenges often needs support across sectors. They may need support and follow-up from different parts of the support services. Several studies find that youth-adapted arenas where young people can meet each other and receive help from employees of health and welfare services with inclusion competence, may be a good starting point. How can the welfare states provide comprehensive support and contribute to lasting inclusion of vulnerable young people?

10:50-11:05 – Inclusion of vulnerable young people in employment (Kjetil Frøyland, OsloMet)

11:05-11:20 – Inclusion of vulnerable young people in society (Christina Viskum Larsen, Centre for Public Health in Greenland)

11:20-11:35 – Inclusion of vulnerable young people in school (Anne Görlich, Aalborg Universitet)

11:35-12:05 – Break/Lunch

12:05-12:25 – Experience from Finland. There are established Ohjaamo one-stop Guidance center, a youth-adapted inclusion arena, several places in Finland (Teemu Vauhkonen)

12:25-13:00 – How to work with inclusion? Conversation with Anne Görlich, Kjetil Frøyland, Gry Strømsnes of the Directorate of Labour and Welfare, Svend Bladt from Baglandet Vejle, Danmark and Martine Antonsen, Mental helse ungdom, Norway

13:00 – Closing of the seminar

Seminar moderator is Heidi Moen Gjersøe, OsloMet and VID Specialized University.