New Chapter for Green Transition in the Process Industry
News story | Date: 13/03/2024 | Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
The Strategy Forum “Prosess21” was established in 2018 to contribute to emissions reductions in the Norwegian process industry. The recently recomposed steering group has a new mandate that reflects Norway's commitment to achieving its climate goals by 2050.
"The process industry is important for Norway and has a unique opportunity to lead in the green transition. We aim to have the world's cleanest, most modern, and energy-efficient process industry, based on high-tech solutions and significant value creation. With the new mandate for Prosess21, we intensify efforts to ensure that the industry not only continues to create value but, in the long term, becomes a world leader in the carbon-neutral global market," says Minister of Trade and Industry Jan Christian Vestre.
Prosess21 is an important part of a long-term cross-political initiative to meet climate challenges and secure future industrial growth and competitiveness in Norway.
The new steering group is led by Håvard Moe, Chief Technology Officer at Elkem. The group consists of leaders from industry, research, and confederations. Prosess21 is also associated with a reference group comprising key agencies from the policy instrument system.
"It's good and important that the work in Prosess21 continues with a new mandate. Since the last report, we've had an energy crisis that underscores the need for increased access to renewable energy at a competitive price. The EU has defined more ambitious climate goals and introduced a carbon tax (CBAM) that affects European industry. At the same time, there is a global green subsidy race, for instance, through the US IRA. We need to look at how Norway can secure a competitive process industry that both cuts its own emissions and delivers critical raw materials to the green shift in this changing global picture," says Håvard Moe, who leads the steering group.
The steering group consists of the following people:
- Håvard Moe (leader), Chief Technology Officer, Elkem
- Trude Sundset, Chief Technology Officer, Hydro
- Lise Winther, SVP Upstream projects and technologies, Yara Clean Ammonia
- Stina Torjesen, Director of Sustainability/Associate Professor, Morrow Batteries/University of Agder
- Nina Dahl, Research Director, Sintef
- Tine Uberg Nærland, Research Director, IFE
- Susanne Nævermo-Sand, Head of Sustainability and Strategy, Celca Nordic
- Øyvind Gregersen, Dean, NTNU
- Are Tomasgaard, Secretary, LO (Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions)
- Ole Børge Yttredal, Director, Norwegian Industry
- Ole B. Hoen, Cluster Leader, Kongsberg Innovation
- Knut Harald Bakke, Director Investor Relations, Borregaard
Prosess21 will advise the authorities and industry on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the process industry in line with the transition to a low-emission society by 2050, while facilitating sustainable transition, growth, and value creation.
The work includes assessments, updates, and elaboration of the knowledge base, identification of specific measures for industry and authorities, and contributions to the follow-up of the government's Green Industrial Initiative and climate partnerships with the process industry.
Prosess21 will also examine the overall framework conditions and policy instruments for the process industry in Norway, compared to the conditions in the EU, USA, and China.