The World Health Organization 75th Anniversary

Greetings by Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (on video).

For 75 years, the world’s nations have relied on WHO to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable. 

Norway has been – and remains – strongly engaged. I had personally the pleasure of serving as Chief of Staff from 1998 to 2000, when Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland served as Director-General. I have so many fond memories. I am so proud of having served this extraordinary organization.

Now, on the occasion of WHO’s 75th anniversary, Norway pays tribute to the organisation and its staff for their remarkable achievements in global health. – To each and every one of you.

Advancing global health is in our universal interest and it requires international cooperation at the highest level. Just as many of today’s other challenges require multilateralism and international solidarity; equally for health. In defence of these values, we need a strong and effective WHO and a United Nations that deliver.

We are now recovering from the pandemic that has shaken the world to its core. We need to come back in a way that better prepares us for the next crisis. This is extremely challenging in a time of war, alongside a wide range of growing humanitarian and financial crises.

We have learnt that crises test our commitment to our values, our principles, and our unity. Now, more than ever, we must work together.

Norway firmly supports a strong UN and a strong World Health Organization.

So, to each and every one of you – the fine staff of WHO. We will continue to work with WHO to achieve Health for All.

We are WHO – and we are in it together!