The Ministry of Defence Communication Unit
The unit provides support both to the Minister and senior staff, both political and administrative, and to the Chief of Defence. The spokesman function is performed by separate spokesmen for the Minister of Defence and the Chief of Defence.
Internal Auditor Unit
The Internal Auditor will contribute to the overall achievement of defence objectives by providing support to the Ministry’s senior management in controlling and managing subordinate departments and agencies.
The Department of Development, Administration and Preventive Security
The Department of Development and Administration spans over a range of different professional areas, some administrative and some more related to aspects of development.
The Department of Security Policy and Operations
The Department of Security Policy is responsible for the handling of questions of security policy as well as for the Ministry’s international activities and external relations in the field of security policy.
The Department of Financial Governance and Management
The Department of Management and Financial Governance has the overall responsibility for the planning and development of activities, the organisation and the structure of the Armed Forces within the particular long-term planning period. The department also exercises overall management and control of the activities of subordinate agencies.
The Department of Defence Policy and Long Term Planning
The Department of Defence Policy and Long Term Planning is responsible for strategic analysis, the development of long-term defence policy and overall planning for the defence sector.
The Departement of Personnel Policy, Competence and Joint Legal Services
The Department of Investment