Teacher Education 2025.National Strategy for Quality and Cooperation in Teacher Education.
Plans/strategy | Date: 24/04/2018 | Ministry of Education and Research
Better collaboration between schools and teacher education, kindergarten and kindergarten teacher education is one of four overall goals in the strategy.

The government wants closer cooperation between schools and teacher education, and between kindergartens and kindergarten teacher education. NOK 44.5 million will be spent on strengthening the cooperation that will provide a school where students learn more.
- The national strategy for quality and cooperation in teacher education is valid until 2025.
- The strategy applies to all teacher education programmes, from kindergarten teacher education to upper secondary school teacher education.
- The university and college sector, the teachers' organizations, KS and other relevant actors have been involved in the development of the strategy.
- The strategy has four overall goals.
- Academically challenging and rewarding study programmes
- Academically strong and well organized teacher education providers
- Knowledge-based and involved partners in the kindergarten and school sectors
- Stable and mutually beneficial cooperation between teacher education institutions, the kindergarten sector and the school sector
National Strategy for Quality and Cooperation in Teacher Education