
This is a list of selected reports published or received by The Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.   

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Showing 141-160 of 336 results.

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  • International migration 2009-2010

    27/01/2011 Report Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - as a contribution to the common reporting system on migration for the OECD countries, called SOPEMI.

  • International Migration 2009-2010

    17/01/2011 Report Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - as a contribution to the common reporting system on migration for the OECD countries, called SOPEMI. The recent report for Norway covers 2009 and

  • Trends, Causes and Patterns of Young People's Civic Engagement in Western Democracies

    A Review of Literature. Report 2010:5

    09/11/2010 Report Ministry of Culture and Equality

    This report is the result of a preliminary project geared towards gaining an overview of the existing international research on young people’s civic involvement. The situation in Norway is not the centre of attention in this report, but the report

  • Carbon Capture and Storage. Progress and Next Steps

    Report from IEA

    18/06/2010 Report Ministry of Energy

    IEA/CSLF Report to the Muskoka 2010 G8 Summit.

  • Response to OSCE'S EAM report of 27 November 2009

    31/05/2010 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    At the invitation of the Norwegian Government, OSCE/ODIHR carried out an Election Assessment Mission in Norway during the General Election of September 2009. OSCE’s report from the visit was presented on 27 November 2009. This report gives an

  • The Nature Experience and Mental Health

    Report of the "Outdoor Life and Mental Health" Nordic Project

    10/05/2010 Report Ministry of Climate and Environment

    Download report extract in english (pdf) T-1474 E / 2010 ISBN 978-82-457-0439-6 (An extract of the comlete original report entitled Naturopplevelse, friluftsliv og vår psykiske helse ("The Nature Experience and Mental Health"), Published June 2009.)

  • Kårstø Integration Pre-feasibility Study Report

    By Gassco and Gassnova

    22/03/2010 Report Ministry of Energy

    Kårstø Integration Pre-feasibility Study Report.

  • The Role of Human Rights in Norwegian Foreign and Development Policy

    01/02/2010 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The report does not attempt to provide a complete overview of human rights-related activities in the period concerned. It is based on the priorities set out in the Government's policy platform that are particularly relevant to human rights.

  • Policies for Growth and Jobs

    The EU Strategy for Growth and Jobs in a Norwegian Perspective

    22/01/2010 Report Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    This report discusses the EU Strategy for Growth and Jobs from a Norwegian perspective. It focuses on the Norwegian authorities’ efforts to facilitate long-term sustainable growth, and it does so by studying Norway’s policy in light of the EU

  • In Need of a Better Framework for Success

    12/01/2010 Report Ministry of Education and Research

    An evaluation of the Norwegian participation in the EU 6th Framework Programme (2003-2006) and the first part of the EU 7th Framework Programme (2007-2008).

  • International Migration 2008-2009

    22/12/2009 Report Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

    Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - as a contribution to the common reporting system on migration for the OECD countries, called SOPEMI. The recent report for Norway covers 2008 and

  • International Migration 2008-2009

    22/12/2009 Report Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    Annually Norway sends a report to the OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - as a contribution to the common reporting system on migration for the OECD countries, called SOPEMI. The recent report for Norway covers 2008 and

  • Melting snow and ice. A call for action

    14/12/2009 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre and former vice president Al Gore presented the report "Melting snow and ice. A call for action" at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 14 December.

  • Incentive schemes for attracting new electricity generation

    10/12/2009 Report Ministry of Energy

    The report in pdf

  • National Report submitted in accordance with paragraph 15(a) of the Annex to Human Rights Council Resolution 5/1

    14/09/2009 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The report on key human rights challenges and best practices in Norway was submitted to the UN Human Rights Council on 8 September 2009. It was drawn up by several ministries with input from civil society.

  • Norway's Proposal to Auction Assigned Amount Units: Implementation options

    11/09/2009 Report Ministry of Climate and Environment

    Download the report. (pdf)

  • Homeless in Norway - A survey

    11/09/2009 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Evelyn Dyb and Katja Johannessen: Homeless in Norway - A survey. Summary NIBR Report 2009:17.

  • The Pathway to a Permanent Home

    Evaluation of the national strategy to prevent and counteract homelessness 2005-2007

    11/09/2009 Report Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

    Evelyn Dyb, Marit Kristine Helgesen and Katja Johannessen: The Pathway to a Permanent Home. Evaluation of the national strategy to prevent and counteract homelessness 2005-2007. Summary NIBR Report 2008:15.

  • Tax havens and development

    Commission on capital flight from developing countries

    18/06/2009 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Illicit financial flows hamper development in poor countries. A government-appointed commission proposes a number of measures to reduce the adverse effects of tax havens.

  • Report: Breaking the Silence

    17/06/2009 Report Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The Norwegian Minister of Justice and the Police Knut Storberget hosted the 29th Conference of Council of Europe Ministers of Justice in Tromsø 19-19 June 2009. He presented the report 'Breaking the Silence'.

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