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Speeches and statements
Search Government.noOn this page you can find speeches and statements from the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.
Press Contacts
List page Ministry of Children and FamiliesPress phone: +47 977 73 634
EEA and Norway Grants
Topic Ministry of Foreign AffairsThese pages provide information on Norway's contribution to reducing social and economic disparities within the European Economic Area (EEA).
Development cooperation
Topic Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe Government takes an integrated approach to Norway’s foreign and development policy. Our development policy is designed to promote economic development, democratisation, implementation of human rights, good governance and measures that can lift
Organization Map
Organization chart Office of the Prime Minister -
Human rights
Topic Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe promotion of human rights and democratic principles is at the heart of Norwegian foreign policy. This policy is implemented both in international forums such as the UN, the OSCE and the Council of Europe, and at country level.
Contact the Ministry of Children and Families
Contact information Ministry of Children and FamiliesAddresses, telephone numbers and other contact information for the Ministry of Children and Families.
Available positions in the Ministry of Children and Families
Ledige stillinger Ministry of Children and Families -
Department of Competition Policy and Economic Analysis
Department Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesThe Department has the overall responsibility for competition policy and economic analysis.
Department of Employer Policy
Department Ministry of Digitalisation and Public GovernanceThe Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development is responsible for government employer policy. The Department of Employer Policy manages and develops laws and regulations, agreements, administrative provisions, general conditions etc for
Topic Ministry of Education and ResearchKindergartens in Norway are pedagogical institutions providing early childhood education and care for children aged 0-5 years. Children start compulsory school the year they turn six.
Security policy
Topic Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe primary objective of Norwegian security policy is to safeguard Norway’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and political freedom of action. A broad set of political, military, diplomatic, economic and international legal instruments is used to
Topic Ministry of Education and ResearchResearch is central to the development of a sustainable society, where knowledge is the key to new, green and profitable jobs, and a better and more efficient public sector.
Search does not publish a complete overview of valid acts. For a complete overview (in Norwegian), check Lovdata, which, in addition to the overview, also publishes all acts and regulations in their entirety.
Acts and regulations
Search does not publish a complete overview of current acts and regulations. For a complete overview (in Norwegian), check Lovdata, which, in addition to the overview, also publishes all acts and regulations in their entirety.
Search Government.noCirculars are information from the ministry to affected parties about interpretations of laws and regulations. This is an overview of circulars from the Ministries.
Stop Human Trafficking
17/01/2007 Plans/strategy Ministry of Justice and Public SecurityThe Government has presented a new plan of action against trafficking in human beings. The plan contains stronger and updated measures that will be implemented from 2006 - 2009.
Official Norwegian Reports
Search Government.noThe Government or a ministry may constitute a committee and working groups who report on different aspects of society. A report can either be published as an Official Norwegian Report, or as a regular report. On this page, you can find Official
Reports, plans and strategies
Search Government.noHere you can find selected reports, plans and strategies from the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.
Guidelines and brochures
Search Government.noHere, you can find guidelines and brochures published by the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministries.