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  • The Communication Unit

    Department Ministry of Education and Research

    The Communication Unit coordinates communication by the Ministry.This includes media relations and monitoring, strategic communication with the sector and advising the Ministry’s departments and political leadership. The Communication Unit is also

    Head of communications Line Torvik

  • Department for Schools and Kindergartens

    Department Ministry of Education and Research

    Director General Kjersti Flåten

  • Department for Governance of Higher Education and Research Institutions

    Department Ministry of Education and Research

    Director General Maria Tagmatarchi Storeng

  • Contact the Ministry of Education and Research

    Contact information Ministry of Education and Research

    Ministry of Education and Research Visiting address: Kirkegata 18, Oslo Mailaddress: Post box 8119 Dep, 0032 Oslo, Norway E-mail: Tel. + 47 22 24 90 90

  • Departments

    List page Ministry of Education and Research

  • Organisation

    Organization chart Ministry of Education and Research

    The Ministry is headed by the Ministers. The political leadership also includes state secretaries and political advisors. The Secretary General is the senior civil servant at the Ministry.

  • Administrative staff

    List page Ministry of Education and Research

    The Secretary General, the Ministry’s highest ranking civil servant, coordinates the work between the political team and the Ministry’s departments. The staff of the Secretary General includes the Press and Information Office, the Controller and a

  • Other political staff

    List page Ministry of Education and Research

    The political staff of the Ministries consists of state secretaries and political advisor. State secretaries are appointed in a State Council Meeting, while political advisors are hired by the Office of the Prime Minister. The political staff are

  • Press centre

    List page Ministry of Education and Research

    Press enquiries directed at the political leadership and Ministry should be submitted via the Communication Unit.

  • The Norwegian System of Compensation to Patients

    External organization Ministry of Health and Care Services

    The Norwegian System of Patient Injury Compensation, NPE, is a public agency under the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services.

    Web page:

  • Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority

    External organization Ministry of Health and Care Services

    Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority is the government authority for radiation protection and nuclear saftey.

    Web page:

  • The Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research - SIRUS

    External organization Ministry of Health and Care Services

    The National Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research is an independent research institute.

    Web page:

  • Norwegian Board of Health Supervision

    External organization Ministry of Health and Care Services

    Norwegian Board of Health Supervision has the overall responsibility for the supervision of health and social services in Norway.

    Web page:

  • United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children

    02/01/2007 Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence against Children Key Messages Violence against children is not inevitable. It can and must be prevented. Every child has the right to a life free from violence. Violence against children can never

  • Ecolabelling Norway

    External organization Ministry of Children and Families

    In Norway there are two official environmental labels, the Swan and the Flower. Their use is overseen by Ecolabelling Norway, a foundation whose leadership board is made up of representatives from the Ministry of Children and Equality, environmental

    Web page:

  • National Institute for Consumer Research

    External organization Ministry of Children and Families

    The National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO) is an independent, multidisciplinary centre for research, testing and reporting on consumer affairs. The institute shares its expertise with public authorities, political leaders, businesses and

    Web page:

  • The Equality and anti-discrimination Ombud

    External organization Ministry of Culture and Equality

    The Equality and anti-discrimination Ombud's main task is to promote equality and fight against discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and age.

    Web page:

  • Child Welfare Tribunal

    External organization Ministry of Children and Families

    Child Welfare Tribunal are responsible for decision-making with regard to child welfare services. Today there are 12 such county tribunals; each one covers one or two counties. The tribunals comprise a national body which on matters of social

    Web page:

  • County Governors

    External organization Ministry of Children and Families

    Each county has a County Governor who represents the King and the government. The task of the County Governor’s office is to make sure the goals, guidelines and actions of the Storting are followed locally. On behalf of some of the national

    Web page:

  • Allocation Committee for support to voluntary children's and youth organizations

    Councils and committees Ministry of Children and Families

    The Allocation Committee it is an administrative body within the Ministry of Children and Equality whose primary responsibility is to distribute grants and subsidies to voluntary national children's and youth organizations in accord with regulations

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