Ministry of Provisioning and Reconstruction (1942–1950)

During the Second World War 1940-1945, Norwegian ministries were working under the legal leadership of Johan Nygaardsvold’s Government in exile in London, and under Nazi Germany’s occupation authorities in Oslo (marked NS).

On 1 October 1942, the Ministry of Provisioning (of 1939) in London had its name changed to the Ministry of Provisioning and Reconstruction. Trade affairs were transferred to the Ministry of Provisioning and Reconstruction from the Ministry of Trade (of 1916), while shipping affairs were transferred to the new Ministry of Shipping (of 1942).

On 1 April 1943, occupation authorities in Oslo merged the Ministry of Provisioning (of 1939) NS into the Ministry of Trade (of 1916) NS, which had its name changed to the Ministry of Industry NS, listed here as the Ministry of Industry (of 1943) NS.

On 8 May 1945, the ministry structure in Oslo was re-established as it was on 9 April 1940.

On 25 June 1945, Finnmark affairs were transferred to an additional minister in the Ministry of Provisioning and Reconstruction.

On 6 December 1947, export and import regulation affairs were transferred from the Ministry of Provisioning and Reconstruction to the new Ministry of Trade (of 1947).

On 1 July 1948, the system with an additional minister for Finnmark affairs in the Ministry of Provisioning and Reconstruction, was abolished.

On 1 July 1950, the Ministry of Provisioning and Reconstruction was abolished. Most of its affairs were transferred to the Ministry of Local Government and Labour (of 1948).
