State ownership of land in Svalbard

The Norwegian state owns 98.75 per cent of all land in Svalbard. Through its ownership in Kings Bay AS and Bjørnøen AS, the state indirectly owns a further 0.75 per cent of land in the archipelago.

Adventdalen Svalbard
Adventdalen Svalbard Credit: NFD

In addition to land, the state owns infrastructure and building stock as well as some infrastructure in Longyearbyen. The state owned land and state owned buildings on Svalbard is not for sale.

The Svalbard Policy
The Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries (the Ministry) owns and administers the state’s real property in Svalbard in accorcdance with the objectives of the Svalbard policy.

The overriding objectives of the Svalbard policy are:

  • Consistent and firm enforcement of sovereignty
  • Proper observance to the Svalbard Treaty and control to ensure compliance with the Treaty
  • Maintenance of peace and stability in the area
  • Preservation of the area’s distinctive natural wilderness
  • Maintenance of Norwegian communities in the archipelago

Through its ownership of the land in Longyearbyen, the state will, in consultation with the Longyearbyen Community Council as the planning authority, facilitate development within the scope of the objectives of the Svalbard policy.

Use of state owned land
Any queries regarding long and short term use of state owned land or buildings on Svalbard, may be directed to the Ministry’s Svalbard Office in Longyearbyen.

If you are selling or buying housing, cabins, appartements, boathouses, storage units etc. on Svalbard, you need the consent of the Norwegian government, i.e. the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, as the state owns the land on which the building sits.

The usage of state owned land is regulated through a ground rent agreement with the Ministry. You also need to ensure that the building itself is used in compliance with approvals from the planning authority and adheres to other regulations such as the Svalbard Environmental Protection Act (Svalbardmiljøloven) and the Svalbard Act (Svalbardloven).