
The environment will be managed in a way that maintains the diversity of habitats and landscape types and ensures that there are viable populations of naturally-occurring species: this will ensure that biological diversity can continue to evolve. Norway aims to halt the loss of biodiversity by 2010.


Seas and coastlines - the need to safeguard species diversity

Norway has the second longest coastline in the world after Canada, with a length of 100,915 km including all the islands. The seabed and water are biological treasure troves that we will both protect and harvest in a sustainable manner. All indications are that the pressure on environmental values and resources will be stronger in the future, both in our areas and globally.

Bunes beach in Lofoten

Management plans for marine areas

The purpose of the management plans is to facilitate value creation while also maintaining natural diversity. The Ministry of Climate and Environment is responsible for work with the management plans. Marine management is important in Norway, we have extensive ocean areas – six times greater than our land area. These areas are very rich in resources. We also have many activities here that affect marine life.