News and press releases

Latest news from the Ministries and the Office of the Prime Minister can be found here.

Showing 1001-1020 of 1049 results.

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  • The infection control measures are being removed on Saturday 12 February

    12/02/2022 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Health and Care Services, Ministry of Justice and Public Security

    The Norwegian Government is removing all regulatory measures against COVID-19, including the requirement to wear a face covering, keep a 1-metre distance, and the duty to go into isolation when people are sick. Some rules for Svalbard are being kept

  • New state secretary

    18/02/2022 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    In today’s Council of State, The King has appointed Mr. Odd Steinar Åfar Viseth as acting state secretary to Minister of Transport Jon-Ivar Nygård, in the period that state secretary Johan Vasara settles parental leave, effective as of 1 March 2022.

  • Examinations cancelled by government

    03/03/2022 News story Ministry of Education and Research

    The government has decided to cancel most of the ordinary examinations scheduled for primary, lower and upper secondary school this spring.

  • Norway to increase support to Ukraine and provide military equipment

    27/02/2022 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Norwegian Government has allocated up to NOK 2 billion for humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, and will provide military equipment such as helmets and bulletproof vests to the war-torn country. The Government will also align itself with the

  • Changes in the Government

    07/03/2022 Press release Office of the Prime Minister

    In the Council of State today, the King has made changes in the Government.

  • Statement by Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt on the blocking of Russian media outlets

    03/03/2022 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Russia’s attacks on media freedom by blocking independent media outlets Ekho Moskvy and Dozhd are state censorship and human rights violations The Russian regime’s attempts to cover up its aggression in Ukraine will fail.

  • Joint Statement on Arctic Council Cooperation following Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

    03/03/2022 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Canada, the Kingdom of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and the United States condemn Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and note the grave impediments to international cooperation, including in the Arctic, that Russia's actions have

  • Norway increases support for UNRWA

    16/11/2021 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East plays a key role in meeting the basic needs and safeguarding the rights of Palestine refugees, as well as in promoting regional stability. However, UNRWA is critically

  • Tighter restrictions on Russian fishing vessels enter into force

    13/10/2022 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

    The tighter restrictions on Russian fishing vessels over 500 gross tonnage announced on 6 October will enter into force on Friday 14 October. From that date these vessels will only be permitted access to the ports of Tromsø, Kirkenes and Båtsfjord.

  • Minister of Foreign Affairs Anniken Huitfeldt officially opens the Norwegian Embassy in Tbilisi: ‘A clear statement of Norway’s support for Georgia’

    17/10/2022 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘The official opening of the Norwegian Embassy in Tbilisi today further underlines our strong support for Georgia. Our presence here is important in order to strengthen the constructive dialogue and cooperation between our two countries,’ said

  • Norway condemns attack in  Myanmar

    29/12/2021 News story Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway condemns the attack in Kayah, Myanmar, killing at least 35 civilians, inclusive children and two Save the children staff.

  • Norway to support humanitarian Climate and Environment Charter

    21/12/2021 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Norway is one of the first countries to formally express support for the new Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organisations.

  • Norway participates in a project which will make it easier for military forces to cross borders in Europe

    14/12/2021 News story Ministry of Defence

    - The security situation in Europe has underlined the need for improvements in military mobility, and work to this end is taken forward in NATO, our European allies and in the Nordic context. One of the weaknesses with the current system has been

  • School feeding for better nutrition and learning

    09/12/2021 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Prior to the pandemic, one in two school-age children worldwide received one school meal every day. ‘When schools were closed it was not just access to education that was lost. For millions of children around the world school meals are critical.

  • Prime Minister Støre appointed goodwill ambassador for global sustainability voyage

    24/11/2021 News story Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Over a period of 19 months, the Norwegian tall ship Statsraad Lehmkuhl will sail over 55 000 nautical miles and visit 36 ports across the world. Its voyage to circumnavigate the globe has been given the name the ‘One Ocean Expedition’. Prime

  • Municipalities must prepare to offer a third dose to all people over the age of 45

    30/11/2021 News story Ministry of Health and Care Services, Office of the Prime Minister

    The Norwegian Government is now asking municipalities to offer a booster dose to people over the age of 45 after it has been offered to all people over the age of 65. People over the age of 18 with serious underlying health conditions and everyone

  • EU thanks Norway for assistance in medevac operations

    06/06/2023 News story Ministry of Health and Care Services

    The EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, and the Norwegian Minister of Health and Care Services, Ingvild Kjerkol, were given a tour of various aircraft being used in the medical evacuation of patients from Ukraine during Mr

  • Committee will Investigate Foreign Adoptions

    20/06/2023 News story Ministry of Children and Families

    The Norwegian Government has today appointed the Committee that will investigate foreign adoptions. Professor Camilla Bernt from the University of Bergen will lead the work.

  • Norway to donate mine clearance equipment to Ukraine

    24/08/2023 Press release Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Defence

    ‘Norway will continue to support Ukraine’s fight to defend itself against Russia for as long as it takes. Ukraine urgently needs more military support and equipment, and there is an acute need for mine breaching equipment. With this donation, Norway

  • New UN mandate in Afghanistan

    17/03/2022 Press release Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    ‘This is an important day for Afghanistan. The renewed mandate will enable the UN to continue its work in the country and provide assistance to civilians at this very difficult time. As the international community's leading representative in

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