The Norwegian Government sends generators to Ukraine

This content is more than 1 year old.

Following Russian attacks, millions of Ukrainians are without power, water, or heating. There is a large and urgent need for help. Norway has made considerable contributions to maintaining the Ukrainian power supply and the Norwegian Government has now sent power generators from the Norwegian Civil Defence to Ukraine to help remedy the situation.

Russian missile attacks have caused great damage to critical infrastructure in Ukraine. According to Ukrainian authorities, 10 million Ukrainians are without power, water, or heating. The nation’s Ministry of Energy has asked for international humanitarian assistance in the form of equipment to help restore the country’s critical energy infrastructure. Among other things, the Ministry has asked for large generators to produce electricity to be sent as soon as possible.

‘Ukraine is unquestionably in a very difficult humanitarian situation. I am glad that we are now able to respond to this specific need for generators,’ says Minister of Justice and Public Security Emilie Enger Mehl.

The Norwegian Civil Defence, an agency under the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB), has 11 generators of this type. These are part of the Norwegian Civil Defence’s mobile re-enforcement resources and are located in various Norwegian Civil Defence districts in Norway. A decision was made that these can be donated to Ukraine without impairing Norwegian national emergency preparedness nationally or locally.

The generators were sent from the various districts to the Norwegian Civil Defence central storage facility at Starum before the materiel was sent in a single shipment to Ukraine via a logistics base in Poland. The transport, which is being organised by DSB, is funded via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The costs of re-procurement of the materiel will be covered under the humanitarian funds allocated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Here is an overview of Norwegian support for Ukraine and neighbouring countries:

Norwegian support for Ukraine and neighbouring countries - 

EU Civil Protection Mechanism

Norwegian contributions to Ukraine are channelled via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, DSB manages the national contact points with the emergency preparedness organisations in the EU, the UN, and the civilian emergency preparedness organisation in NATO. Requests for assistance connected with resources, emergency preparedness capabilities and personnel are sent to DSB through the same channels.

When a country asks for help, the member states in the EU Civil Protection Mechanism ascertain whether they have what is requested at their disposal, and what may be relevant to send. In Norway, all donations must be assessed by the specialist authority and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is DSB which, on behalf of Norway, offers Norwegian assistance, coordinates transport and logistics, and collaborates with the EU’s Emergency Response Coordination Centre.

Read more about how Norway supports Ukraine (Content in Norwegian - The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB))