Department of Research and Administration

The department is in charge of research policy, and the development and operation of the administrative functions of the ministry, including administrative support functions for the political leadership and the Secretary General.

Important duties are to develop research and innovation policies, to discharge the sector's responsibilities for agricultural education at all levels, to facilitate first-rate human resource management and organizational development, and to ensure proficient departmental information management and security. Among other responsibilities, the department is charged with managing the Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomics (NIBIO) and the governance dialogue with the Norwegian Research Council, co-ordinating tasks in several key areas such as the State Budget, managing the sector's State Enterprises, and handling all matters relating to emergency preparedness. In addition, the department is to provide quality administrative support for the political leadership, the Secretary General and all other activities in general.

The Ministry Unit

The Ministry Unit is a secretariat for the political leadership and the Secretary General. The main task is practical organization and coordination of administrative support functions for for the political leadership and the Secretary General. The unit is also responsible for coordinating the Ministry's work on government papers, items for the Council of State, the Minister's participation in Parliament, reporting to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) and the Parliament, and scheduling meetings and events participation for the political leadership.

The department consists of the following sections

  • Security, Information Management and Digitalization Section (SID)

    The section is responsible for safety and emergency preparedness in the Ministry, and coordinates the safety and emergency preparedness work in the sector and in the agricultural and food administration. The section has the overall responsibility for the digital services in the Ministry, and coordinates the digitisation work in the Ministry and in the administration. Within information management, the section is responsible for the intranet and the case management and archive system. The section operates the Ministry's service desk. The function of data protection official is located in the section.

    Appointed Department Director Hilde Marie Høberg

  • Section for Research, Innovation and Education (FIU)

    The section works with furthering development of research, innovation and education policies. Some of the key tasks are the follow-up of the Government's long-term plan for research and higher education, as well as the development of the bioeconomy in Norway. The section is responsible for the Ministry's agency management of The Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) and the management dialogue with The Research Council of Norway. The section also follows up on the agricultural and food research environment and international research collaboration, as well as recruitment for agricultural education and competence measures in the sector.

    Deputy Director General Kirsti Gustad

  • The Human Resources and Organization Section (PO)

    The section is responsible for the development of the organisation, good personnel management and employeeship . The section's most important tasks are recruitment, competence development, wage negotiations, and HSE work. The section provides advice to managers both internally in the Ministry and in underlying agencies , including restructuring work, labour legislation, the Freedom of Information Act and the Public Administration act.

    Deputy Director General Kai-Ove Nauen

  • Financial Control and Budgets Section (ØB)

    The section is responsible for several major coordination tasks in the Ministry. The most important are to prepare the Ministry's proposals for the annual state budget, contribute to effective internal management and operation in the Ministry, follow up national audit cases and participate in the management of underlying agencies. In addition, the section reports on the state accounts, guides the departments in budget and finance matters and manages the Ministry's properties.

    Deputy Director General Per Eivind Jensen