Film and media

The government aims to strengthen the Norwegian media and facilitate that all groups in society have a good media offer. Media is essential for freedom of expression and democracy. The need for credible, editor-controlled media of high quality is greater than ever. The government also wants to strengthen the regional film investment, increase the production funds for Norwegian film and review the film incentive scheme to ensure more film productions in Norway.

Mikrofon med PC i bakgrunnen, ser ut som radiostudio

Broadcasting and on-demand audiovisual services

Article 25/05/2023

Broadcasting entails the transmission of radio or TV programmes, the key element being that these are received directly and in real time by the public. On-demand audiovisual services are services that have as their main objective offering programmes that can be viewed at a time of the viewer’s choice.

Illustrasjonsfoto av digitale medier

Media Policy

Article 15/03/2023

The media is necessary for freedom of speech and a pillar of democracy.

En gutt spiller dataspill

Film and gaming policy

Article 04/01/2024

Films, computer games and other audiovisual productions are important forms of artistic expression that contribute to the public discourse in Norway. The film industry and the market for audiovisual productions are undergoing major change, partly as a result of digitalisation, the entry of global players, and the subsequent changes in consumption.

Playmobil-figur står foran en mobil med ulike ikoner for sosiale medier

Big Tech and democracy

Article 31/07/2023

The Internet has become a central arena for public debate, distribution of quality news content and access to culture. At the same time, tech companies and social media platforms have a huge impact on the democratic discourse in Norway.

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Department of Media and the Arts

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Address: P.O. Box 8030 dep., 0030 Oslo
Visitor address: Grubbegata 1, Oslo