International sports cooperation

The Ministry of Culture and Equality is involved in international cooperation on sport issues and is represented at the European Council and in various forums dealing with anti-doping and sports facilities. In addition, there is extensive cooperation between the Nordic governments.

UNESCO International Convention against Doping in Sport was established in 2007. The agreement commits governments to work against doping in sport and is a framework for harmonization of anti-doping regulations and policies at the international level. Norway has ratified the agreement.

Sport cooperation organized by the European Council

The Ministry represents Norway in matters concerning sport under the direction of the European Council.

The European Councils goal in the sports area is: “to promote safe and ethical sport and the social and health benefits it brings to individuals and society, through policies based on the same principles throughout Europe”. The European Council should help to counteract negative aspects of sport. This is done through work based in the extended partial agreement for sport (EPAS), and the conventions on anti-doping (The Anti-Doping Convention), safety and security at Sports Events (The Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other Sports Events) and manipulation of sports competitions (Convention on Manipulation of Sports Competitions).

Norway is a member of EPAS and has also ratified the conventions.

Nordic sports cooperation

In October 2003, the Nordic sports ministers signed a renewed declaration on Nordic cooperation in the field of sports. The declaration, which was originally signed by the Nordic ministers of sport in 1994, provides for extensive governmental cooperation on matters concerning sport. The declaration reflects a common understanding of the importance of sports to society. Cooperation is based on respect for voluntary efforts and the autonomy of democratic sports organisations at national and international level.

An important aspect of cooperation is the exchange of experiences and discussion of current sports policy issues. This is ensured through regular meetings at the official level. Particular emphasis is given to the coordination of Nordic views in international cooperation bodies. 

Participation in CEN work – the European Committee for Standardization

Norway is a member of the European standardization committee CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation) through Standards Norway, and participates in the design of European standards in various areas. The Ministry participates in work concerning sport facilities.

Important objectives are to identify standardized solutions when it comes to functionality, safety, and environmental issues. The greatest activity is currently in committees and groups working on standards for sports covers and tribunes. Standards Norway is responsible for the publication of Norwegian standards in this field, and thus coordinates the work.