Student welfare

The universities and university colleges have the overall responsibility for the students’ learning environment. As a general rule, all institutions encompassed by the Act relating to universities and university colleges must be associated with a student welfare organisation.

The task of a student welfare organisation is to look after the welfare needs of students at the individual educational institution.

Student welfare organisations are established by the Ministry of Education and Research, but are not part of the central government administration. The student welfare organisations are independent organisations as stipulated in legislation and regulations concerning student welfare organisations. They receive public funding through allocations from the state, semester fees and access to office space/basic equipment (provided at educational institutions at no cost) in order to offer good, reasonably priced services to students.

The board of the student welfare organisation is its highest authority. The board consists of students, employees of the educational institutions and employees of the student welfare organisations. The students may choose whether the leadership role as the chair of the board should be appointed from among the student representatives.

The student welfare organisations provide many different services to the students, such as canteens, sports facilities, health services, daycare facilities, housing, etc. The student welfare organisations are responsible for deciding which welfare services will be offered to its students. 

Student housing

One of the most important welfare services provided by student welfare organisations are student residences. These student residences should be in addition to the private housing market. Most student unions are unable to offer student residence accommodation to everyone that wants it. It is worth starting to search for accommodation as early as possible, even before the admission to a programme is confirmed. 

Contact the local student welfare organisation and ask for advice, both on how to apply for student accommodation, and how to find accommodation in the private market. There are also some student residence foundations in Norway that provides student accommodation. 

The Ministry of Education and Research provides grants for the construction, purchase, and refurbishment of student accommodation. Grants are given to student unions and student residence foundations upon application.