Administrative tasks

Administrative tasks connected to the Act on certain aspects relating to the political parties (The Political Parties Act, PPA)) are part of the responsibilities of the Ministry and the County governors. In accordance with the PPA Section 11 to 13, the Ministry considers applications and disburses the state grants to the party’s organizations at national level. The County governors consider applications and disburse the state grants to the party’s organizations at regional and local level.

The Political Parties Act Committee (PPAC) is an independent administrative body entrusted with superior public authority in individual cases embraced by the PPA. The PPAC is, inter alia, entrusted with the general supervision and controlling authority over the political parties/party units financial accounts and reports as well as their accounting practices. Pursuant to chapter 5, the PPAC is able to impose sanctions for any violations of party funding rules as provided in the PPA.

Statistics Norway (SN) gathers, compiles and publishes financial information concerning political parties in accordance with the Act.

The County Governor of Sogn og Fjordane (CGSF) is responsible for the electronic application module for public grants to parties at the county and municipal level. CGSF coordinates the payments on behalf of all County governors and provides technical office support to the Political Parties Act Committee.